Genealogical and Family History of Northern New York

Genealogical and Family History of Northern New York

Genealogical and Family History of Northern New York A RECORD OF THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF HER PEOPLE IN THE MAKINGOF A COMMONWEALTH AND THEFOUNDING OF A NATION. COMPILED UNDER THE EDITORIAL SUPERVISION OF WILLIAM RICHARD CUTTER, A. M. Historian of the New England Historic-Genealogical Society; Librarian emeritus of Woburn Public Library:Author of “The Cutter Family,” “History of Arlington,” “Bibliography of Woburn,” etc. etc. Volume I-III Illustrated. New YorkLewis Historical Publishing Company1910. Table of Contents:

Genealogy of the Breed Family of Malone

Genealogical and Family History of Northern New York

This surname originated in BREED Holland and its ancient form of spelling was Brede. The town of Brede, in the county of Sussex, was founded by Hollanders who settled in England at the beginning of the twelfth century. In England the name is variously spelled : Breed, Bread, Breeds and Brede. The first of the name in America wrote his name Bread, but the family shortly afterward adopted the present spelling,—Breed. The principal thoroughfare in Leyden, Holland, is called Brede Street, and London has a Bread Street. The Breeds in America have been positive, determined, persevering and thrifty. It is … Read more

The Birth of the Northern Counties

The old brick tavern at Gouverneur, a famous stage coach tavern

The Birth of the Northern Counties: The erection of St. Lawrence County — the meeting at Denmark out of which grew Jefferson and Lewis counties — the erection of Oswego County — David Parish buys the Village of Ogdensburg — the visits of De Witt Clinton and Bishop Asbury.

The Coming of the Pioneers

View of old Watertown, showing public square about the time of the Civil War

The Coming of the Pioneers: The first north country towns — Washington Irving’s tour of northern New York — how the pioneers lived — the circuit riders and their parish — the first churches in the north.

The Great Land Patents

Map of Tracts, Patents and Land Grants, Northern New York

The Great Land Patents: The Ten Towns — Macomb’s Purchase — Scriba’s Patent — “Grand Rapides’ Promised Land” — The Era Of Settlement

Border Warfare

Fort Haldimand, Carleton Island, As It Appeared During The Revolution

Border Warfare: The Abbe Picque and the founding of La Presentation—Old Fort Oswego—the French and Indian War in the north country— Carlelton Island and the Revolution.

The Onondaga War Trail

The north country vol 1 title page

The Onondaga War Trail: Early Indian occupation of northern New York—the coming of Champlain—Father Poncet and the Oswegatchie Trail—the Great Peace Conference at La Famine—the expedition of Count Frontenac.