The settlement of the town was mainly begun by a company of persons originally from Kent, Conn., who, two years after the termination of the struggle of the colonies with the mother country for independence, emigrated to Duanesburgh, Schenectady county; and being disappointed in their hopes of securing a title to the lands on which they settled in that town, they resolved to move in a body to the Chenango Valley, to the newly opened lands in the Twenty Townships. More Early Settlers
- Anderson, James
- Follett, Levi
- Gorton, Henry
- Gray, John
- Gray, Nathaniel
- Guthrie, John
- Hatch, Joel
- Newton, William Capt.
- Purdy, Jeremiah
- Ross, Hector
- Stebbins, Samuel
- Thompson, Joel Judge
- White, Devillo M.D.