Christ’s Church in the Village of Sherburne, (Episcopal,) was organized at a meeting held in the school-house in Sherburne village June 7, 1828, over which Rev. Russel Wheeler presided. Thomas Kershaw and H. N. Fargo were elected wardens, and Asa Foote, Reuben Davis, Amasa Skinner, Alexander Holmes, Alson Upham, Peter I. Davidson, David Skinner and Jonathan Thayer, vestrymen. The first male members were Thomas Kershaw, H. N. Fargo, Amasa Skinner, Asa Foote and Ezra Griffin.
Their church edifice was built in 1831, at a cost of about $2,500, including bell. Among the contributions toward that object were $500 each from Trinity Church, New York, and John Watts, of that city, and $100 each from Amasa Skinner, Thomas Kershaw and H. N. Fargo.
The first rector was Rev. Edward Andrews, who was engaged to officiate one-fourth of the time for one year, from Sept. 1, 1828. In 1832, Rev. John W. Woodward supplied the parish one-half of the time. In August of that year Rev. Liberty A. Barrows was employed as rector one-half of the time. By a subsequent arrangement he continued to serve the parish until 1838, when he resigned. He was succeeded in January, 1838, by Rev. Thomas J. Ruger, who occupied the pulpit six months. In June, 1839, Rev. Thomas Towel filled the vacancy. In February, 1842, Rev. Liberty A. Barrows was re-called, and continued till 1846, when he resigned. In May, 1846, Rev. W. D. Wilson became the rector and continued such until 1850. He was succeeded May 8, 1850, by Rev. Levi H. Corson, who remained four years. During his rectorship, June 19, 1850, the records of the church and Society were burned. The foregoing facts were mostly gathered by him. Rev. Thomas Applegate succeeded to the rectorship in July, 1854, and resigned Oct. 1, 1855. Rev. G. L. Foote commenced a two years’ rectorship April 1, 1856. In May, 1858, Rev. Joshua L. Burrows became the rector and served them as late as 1862. During the first year of his rectorship the church numbered 70 communicants, and 58 families, containing 130 adults and 50 children.
This sketch is prepared from Hatch’s History of the Town of Sherburne and the Record of the Incorporation of Religious Societies in Chenango County, the latter of which corrects some errors contained in the former. We have not been able to learn the subsequent history of the church.
Thanx for the work on this. I am hunting the Ghost of distant cousin Alexander Holmes and this gives me some more insight into who he was or may have been.