Physicians of Sherburne, Chenango County, New York

The first physician was D. Lacy, who remained, however, but a short time. Dr. Asa White, a Vermont sufferer, having received a medical education in Vermont, removed from Putney in that State to the town of Bainbridge, where, about 1794, he married Sarah, daughter of Samuel Corbin, also a Vermont sufferer and an early settler in Bainbridge. About 1796, Dr. White removed to Sherburne, where he practiced till his death, Dec. 18, 1819, aged 47. His certificate of practice is signed by Joab Enos and bears date of Jan. 16, 1797, two years previous to which he had been in full practice.

Samuel Guthrie, —- Miles, Israel Farrell and James Sheffield were early physicians here. Dr. Guthrie was born in Brimfield, Mass., in 1781, and in 1802 emigrated to Smyrna. He removed in 1816 to Sacket’s Harbor. He died in Sacket’s Harbor, Oct. 19, 1843. Dr. Farrell practiced here till his death, in the fall of 1833. He settled on Sherburne Hill, two miles west of the village. Dr. Sheffield settled a mile south of Earlville, where he practiced a good many years. He died March 23, 1849, aged 82.

Aaron B. Bligh was practicing in the village before 1828. He removed about 1831 to Oneida county. Dr. Huchins Storrs came here about 1819 and practiced till his death in 1832, a short time in company with Devillo White. Royal Ross came here from New Berlin, where his father had previously practiced, about 1823 or ‘4, and returned after a short time to New Berlin. George Cleveland came about 1836 and returned after a year or two to Waterville, whence he came and where he is now practicing. Squire W. Corbin, a cousin of Dr. Devillo White, with whom he read medicine, bought out Dr. Bligh and practiced four or five years. He removed to North Norwich and from thence after a year or two to Bainbridge. About 1837, John L. Kellogg came from New Hartford, where he had just completed his medical studies. After practicing two or three years he removed to Bridgewater. B. H. Marks came from Burlington some thirty-six or thirty-eight years ago and practiced till his death December 10, 1865, aged 73. He had practiced several years in Burlington.

The physicians now practicing in Sherburne village are Devillo White, Elijah S. Lyman, Ira C. Owen, Fort Van Keuren, Henry C. Lyman and Asa W. Jaynes.

Elijah S. Lyman was born in Torrington, Conn., April 26, 1812. In 1828 his mother and her second husband removed to Sherburne. He was educated in select schools in Warren, Conn, and Sherburne, and the academy at Cazenovia. He commenced the study of medicine April 18, 1831, with Dr. Devillo White, of Sherburne, with whom, on the completion of his studies, he formed a co-partnership which continued from 1834 to 1843. He has practiced continuously in Sherburne. He attended lectures at Fairfield Medical College in 1833-4; and the Regents conferred on him the degree of M. D. in 1870.

Ira C. Owen was born in Lebanon, N. Y., April 8, 1822, and educated in the academy at Hamilton. He was licensed by the Madison County Medical Society in 1865, and received a diploma from the Regents in June, 1869. He commenced practice in Sherburne in 1846.

Fort VanKeuren was born in Rondout, N. Y., Jan. 5, 1838, and was educated at the New York University, where he was graduated in 1863. He commenced practice in New York, whence, on account of ill health, he removed to Rondout. From there after a year and a half he removed to Sherburne, where he has since practiced.

Henry C. Lyman, son of Dr. E. S. Lyman, was born in Sherburne, Sept. 8, 1847, and educated at the academy at Clinton, and at Cornell University. He studied medicine with his father from 1869 to 1872, having during that time attended lectures at the Medical University of New York, where he was graduated in 1872.

Asa W. Jaynes was born in Plymouth, N. Y., July 7, 1851, and was educated at Madison University. He read medicine with Dr. William H. Stuart in Earlville in 1869, and with Dr. Jay W. Sheldon, in Syracuse, from 1871 to ’73. He attended lectures at the Hahnemann Medical College in Philadelphia and the Homeopathic Medical College of New York, and was graduated at the latter institution March 3, 1873.

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