East Adams, or State Road. Some of the first settlers of the town made homes in this locality, many coming prior to 1805, and some in 1801. Among these were the Heath, Grommon, Loveland, Truman, Harris, and Talcott families, representatives of which yet remain near the place where their sturdy ancestors first broke the solemn quiet of the forest wild. In later years the Davis family settled in this neighborhood, and one of the sons, Joseph, built a store at the corners, where he was in trade a number of years. The house yet stands among the cluster of buildings which have since been erected.
Farther north, near the Watertown line, Daniel Talcott “built a tavern at an early day, dedicating it to good cheer by enclosing a demijohn of good whisky in the gable of the house. It had the reputation far and wide of never being out of what was considered, if not a necessary of life, a creature comfort well-nigh indispensable. The house has become a quiet farm dwelling, but the bottle of liquor remains as placed by the good-nature builder.
At this place Union Post-office was established February, 1827, with E. M. Howard first postmaster. The name was afterwards changed to Appling, and D. M. G. Howard appointed postmaster. It was discontinued about 1840.
Adams Baptist Church
Adams Baptist Church was formed at the house of David Grommon, in September, 1802, and on October 13, 1805, the Lord’s Supper was first administered. In June, 1806, Elder Timothy Heath was employed, and meetings were for some time held at his house and barn; and December 14, 1824, a society was formed, with Daniel Tallcott, Jacob Heath, and Asa Lewis trustees. In the same year a church was built one mile from Adams Centre, on the State road, and in 1838 their present church was erected, at a cost of about S3000. Timothy Heath, Joshua Freeman, Charles Clark, Thomas Bright, J. T. Temple, John L. Bishop, E. E. Williams, Alvah Freeman, William Garnett, C. W. Babcock, James M. Beeman, Moses Barker, and E. P. Weed have been pastors since the formation of the church. Several notable revivals have been enjoyed, which largely augmented the membership. At present it numbers 230. The church has been renovated and repaired, being now in fair condition. The sittings number 500. A Sabbath-school was organized about 1825, which at present has 110 members. V. Webster Heath is superintendent.
The State Road Cemetery
The State Road Cemetery is controlled by an association formed for this purpose in 1868, when William Fuller, Royal Fuller, R. J. Hill, Daniel Fox, George Hall, D. S. Loveland, Simeon Loveland, Lyman Heath, and R. W. Phelps were chosen trustees. This board secured half an acre of ground which had been donated to the Baptist Society by Elijah Harris in 1835, and which had been used for burial purposes since that period. Subsequent additions have been made until its area comprises 3½ acres, which has been neatly enclosed and otherwise improved. Richard Otis was the first person interred, Oct. 18, 1824. The total number interred is 975. The present officers are: President, R. Fuller; Secretary, D. S. Loveland; Trustees, William Fuller, Royal Fuller, R. J. Hill, John Snell, Daniel Fox, Linus Loveland, D. S. Loveland, William Oatman, and B. P. Harrington.
Source: Durant, Samuel W. and Henry B. Peirce. History of Jefferson County, New York, With Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Some of its Prominent Men and Pioneers. Philadelphia: L.H. Everts & Co., 1878. p 248.