The Press of Adams New York

The Censor, an Anti-Masonic sheet, by Theron Parsons, was the first paper published at Adams. Its first issue bore date July 1, 1828, and its publication, at this place, was continued until June 13, 1829, when it was removed to Watertown. Owing to its bitter hostility to Masonry, its enemies named it The Cancer, which soon caused the title to be changed to The Anti-Masonic Sun.

The Jefferson County Democrat was the next candidate for public favor, appearing June 27, 1844, under the control of J. C. Hatch, who three years after sold to E. J. Clark. It was a four-page, 24-column sheet, 24 by 36 inches in size. In June, 1855, Clark sold his interest in the paper to Justus Eddy, who changed the name to the Jefferson County News, independent in politics. In 1863, D. A. Dwight was associated with Eddy, and the paper continued by them until June, 1865, when it passed into the hands of George C. Bragdon, who changed the name to The Adams Visitor. In the course of a year the office was destroyed by fire, and the publication of the paper was assumed by De Long & Babcock, May 21, 1868. March 11, 1869, S. D. Pratt purchased Babcock’s interest; and on the 15th of April, 1869, the form of the paper was changed to eight pages, and the name to Northern Temperance Journal, becoming the organ of the Good Templars. It was continued as such until Oct. 20, 1871, when Pratt & De Long changed the name to the Jefferson County Journal, and made it an independent sheet. March 30, 1871, William J. Allen purchased Pratt’s interest, and four months later, S. W. Hatch, De Long’s, the new firm being Hatch & Allen. In the hands of these gentlemen the Journal has become an ably-conducted, well-patronized sheet, having 3400 bona fide subscribers, which is a larger circulation than that of any other village paper in the State. The office is well supplied with presses, operated by steam-power.

The Adams Herald was founded March 31, 1876, by H. W. Gunther & Co., with C. W. Jennings as associate editor. It was a four-page, 28-column sheet, local in its purpose,’ and intended as an advocate of the license system. It was discontinued at the end of its first year, the presses, type, etc., being incorporated with the Journal.

Several amateur and ephemeral papers, as well as journals, devoted to the interests of Hungerford Collegiate Institute, have also been published. The most noted of the latter class was the Institute Record, which met with considerable favor.

  • Jefferson County Journal

In 2014, the Jefferson County Journal was purchased by the Watertown Daily Times. The paper is now called South Jeff Journal. It began publication in 1844.


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