Biography of Elijah Houghton

The subject of this sketch,  Elijah Houghton, was born in Harvard, Wooster county, Massachusetts, June 12, 1800, and in company with his parents emigrated to the town of Le Ray, in 1810. His father died two years later, and Elijah went to live with one of the older members of the family, remained two years, and then served as an apprentice to the tanner and currier trade till he was of age. In 1823 he purchased his first piece of land in Antwerp, but did not settle permanently upon it till 1826. On the 20th of October, 1826, he married Miss Harriet Dopking, of Oneida county, New York. She was born April 16, 1805, and is the mother of ten children, – five sons and five daughters. Five sons and three daughters still live, each of whom is settled well in life. Mr. Houghton has a farm of two hundred acres, which he cleared himself. In 1830, Mr. Houghton lost his house and all its contents by fire, but kind neighbors aided him in provisions, etc., and soon he had another home. He has been a life-long Democrat. He is now old in years and rich in experience, and is an esteemed citizen of the town. One characteristic of his life would be well to follow, and that is, he never contracted a debt which he was not able to meet when due. 1)Durant, Samuel W; Peirce, H. B. (Henry B.) History of Jefferson County, New York. Philadelphia: L.H. Everts & co. 1878.


1Durant, Samuel W; Peirce, H. B. (Henry B.) History of Jefferson County, New York. Philadelphia: L.H. Everts & co. 1878.

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