Rev. A Clyde Ehret Installed at Alfred

Alfred 1)Seventh Day Baptist Church at Alfred NY. has a new pastor. Some one has kindly sent the Sabbath Recorder a program of the installation exercises which we give our readers here, hoping that some of the good things said in the meeting on Sabbath morning may also be furnished for publication.
On the eve of the Sabbath, October 1, a praise and conversation meeting was held in harmony with the purpose of the exercises for the next morning. This is the program for Sabbath morning service at 10:30, October 2:
Sabbath Day, October 2, 10:30 A.M.
Organ Prelude, Professor Wingate
“All Hail!”
Invocation. Rev. Ira Lee Cottrell.
Responsive Reading. Section 17, “The Shepherd God,” Professor William C. Whitford, Leader.
Hymn, 617. “God of the Prophets.”
Call to Prayer.
Prayer. President Boothe C. Davis.
Hymn, 619 (1-4), “Pour out thy Spirit.”
Receiving pastor and wife into church membership.
Words of Welcome, from:
The Church—Dean Arthur E. Main.
The Sabbath School—Frank A. Crumb, Superintendent.
The Young People—Miss Clara Lewis.
The Bovs and Girls — Singing, “Little-Builders.”
The Women’s Societies—Mrs. William C. Whitford.
The Students—Mr. George Stearns.
The Community — Professor Charles F. Binns, President Community Club.
Response, Pastor Ehret.
Hymn, 623, “O thou whose own vast temple stands.”
Benediction. The Pastor.
Greetings. Members of the Congregation.
The Alfred, Sun says: “Rev. A. Clyde Ehret, who was last Sabbath installed as pastor of the First Alfred Church, is a native of West Virginia and a graduate of Salem College in that State. After graduation, he taught a number of years and then entered Alfred Theological Seminary in 1911. He graduated with the class of 1914 and has since been pastor of the Seventh Day Baptist Church in Adams Center, N. Y.
Source: “Rev. A Clyde Ehret Installed at Alfred.” The Sabbath Recorder, Volume 89, No. 16 [October 18, 1920], p. 481. Published: Plainfield New Jersey, George B. Utter, 1920.
↑1 | Seventh Day Baptist Church at Alfred NY. |
Looking for a birth or death certificate for any and all relatives of Daniel Williams born Groton, Conn. 1794-1845 died buried in Richburg, NY relatives lived mostly in Allegheny Co. NY 1800’s? and on and many were members of Seventh Day Baptist Church’s in Western up state NY. Thank You
The Church shown with this article is actually the Alfred Station Seventh
Day Baptist Church which was a splinter from the Alfred SDB church in the mid 1800’s.
The church shown in the photo (which could have been taken today) is still very active locally as well as in the SDB Denomination!