Town Officers of Sherburne, Chenango County, New York

The first town meeting was held at the house of Timothy Hatch the first Tuesday in April, 1795. Isaac Foote was chosen moderator, and the following named officers were elected: Orsamus Holmes, Town Clerk; Isaac Foote, Supervisor; John Hibbard, Joseph Simons, Josiah Lathrop, Assessors; Eleazer Lathrop, Constable and Collector; John Guthrie, Constable; Joseph Porter, Samuel Picket, Overseers of the Poor; Joel Northrup, Abner Calkins, James Raymond, Stephen Parker, Joseph Guthrie, Overseers of Highways; Newcomb Raymond, Pound Keeper; John Lathrop, James Guthrie, Timothy Hatch, Commissioners of Highways; Joel Hatch, Ichabod Munger, Fence Viewers.

The following list of the officers of the town of Sherburne, for the year 1880-’81, was kindly furnished by Robert A. Kutschbach:

Supervisor–Levi N. Smith.

Town Clerk–Robert A. Kutschbach.

Justices–Isaac Plumb, Henry Allfrey, John B. Wilbur, Lester Hayward.

Assessors — William White, Charles W. Janes, Chester Gorham.

Commissioner of Highways–Sidney T. Dart.

Overseer of the Poor–E. Fayette Manwaring.

Constables–M. Graham Dietz, Stephen Benedict, J. Sheffield Smith, James Foster. Archibald Whitford.

Collector–Archibald Whitford.

Inspectors of Election, District No. 1–Adelbert Harrington, John O’Brien, Irving W. Davis.

Town Auditors–Andrew Davis, Alexander Ross, Edmund Shaw.

Sealer of Weights and Measures–Charles H. Sanford.

Game Constable–(Not qualified.)

Excise Commissioners–Edgar Baldwin, Frederick A. Sexton, L. Onslow Miller.

The following list of persons in Sherburne liable to duty as jurors was made Dec. 5, 1798, and is of historic value as tending in a measure to establish the date of settlement, at least approximately. We have purposely preserved the orthography of the record: Jacob Groo, William White, Noah Hall, Reuben Davis, Jonathan Pellet, (tanner,) Abijah Rogers, Zadoc Seymour, Joel Hatch, Asa Northrup, (“Taylor,”) Joseph Herrick, Josiah Lothrop, Amos Cole, John Benton, David Calkin, Elijah Gray, Orsamus Holmes, Elijah Foster, Joseph Porter, Jesse Hutchinson, Apolus Allen, Arnold Briggs, William Stover, Ebenezer Baker, David Baker, James Sherburne, Nathaniel Brown, John T. Brown, Jacob Rees, David Miller, John Rees, Nathaniel Austin, Stephen Austin, Samuel Picket, George Anderson, Daniel Anderson, Ezra Lothrop, Asa Calkin, Elisha Gray, Samuel Kelsey, Joseph Simons, Elijah Powel, Stephen Packer, Joseph Billings, Joseph Collins, (clothier,) Simeon Raxford, Joel Raxford, John Guthrie, Darias Sperry, Josiah Averil, Thomas R. Tracy, Joseph Toby, Samuel Shaw, Aaron Hutchinson, Abram Raymond, Newcomb Raymond, Cornelius Clark, Daniel Clark, Timothy Hatch, James Raymond, James Guthrie, Jr., Joseph Guthrie, Augustin Odel, Solomon Jones, Ichabod Munger, Joseph Dixon, Samuel Thompson, Josiah Purdy, (blacksmith,) Caleb Thompson, Jeremiah Purdy, James Anderson.

Following is a list of the names of persons who have served the town in the capacity of Supervisor and Clerk from its organization to the present time:

1795-7. Isaac Foote, Orsamus Holmes.
1798-1800. John Gray, do.
1801-2. Jesse Hutchinson, do.
1803. Joseph Simons, do.
1804,’9,’12. Joel Hatch, James Elmore.
1805-8. Joseph Simons, do.
1810-11. John Gray, Jr., do.
1813-17. Stephen Benedict, do.
1818-26. do. Samuel Stebbins.
1827. Tilly Lynde, do.
1828. Smith M. Purdy, do.
1829-30. Milo Hunt, do.
1831-2. Tilly Lynde, Devillo White.
1833-5. James M. Cassels, do.
1836. James Thompson, Joseph Benedict.
1837. do. William Cook.
1838. Philo Robinson, Joshua Pratt, Jr.
1839. do. Stephen Benedict.
1840. Devillo White, do.
1841. William Newton, do.
1842. Demas Hubbard, Jr. do.
1843. Clark Burnham, William Cook.
1844. Edmund Shaw, John P. Dietz.
1845-6. John Kershaw, Stephen Benedict.
1847. Richmond White, Edson G. Whitney.
1848. Whitman Kinyon, Egbert G. Upham.
1849. Robert Dart, Julius Catlin.
1850. James Pelton, John Williams.
1851. Andrus Benedict, do.
1852-3. William Briggs, do.
1854. John Kershaw, David Bresee.
1855. Walter W. Blanchard, Ira C. Owen.
1856-7. John Kershaw. John P. Dietz.
1858-9. do. John Williams.
1860-1. do. John P. Dietz.
1862-4. Walter W. Blanchard, do.
1865-73. Isaac Plumb, do.
1874-7. do. Daniel T. Hiller.
1878. Ephraim Moak, William C. Elsbre.
1879. Alexander White, R. A. Kutschbach.

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