Organization and Roster of Company K, 35th NY Vols.
On the occasion of the 1887 Reunion of the 35th, Col. Newton B. Lord, regimental commander during the war, wrote the following regarding how the regiment and Brownville’s Company K came to be organized.
“The news came to Brownville, where I lived, that Fort Sumpter had been fired upon. In our little village a military company had been organized by me, which was called the Jefferson Greys. On the day of the arrival of the news that war had been declared by the south, I caused to be printed, on “Bill Robinson’s” country hand-printing press, a call for the members of the Jefferson Greys, and all others who wished to sustain the government, to meet me at the town hall that evening. The young men of the vicinity responded to the call, and that night, after the meeting, I telegraphed the Governor of the state of New York, tendering him the service of myself and forty three good men. That tender was the seventh in order of all the tender of troops which had been made to him. I have its acceptance in my possession now, and it is signed by G. H. Linsly, military secretary. “But the company must be raised to eighty eight enlisted men,” I was told the next day by telegram. Brownville,being a small village, could not furnish that number of men, and it was, for a little, a grave question where the balance was to come from. I went to Sackets Harbor and saw Erskine M. Camp, (Soldier Camp he was then called by his playmates; and later by us, who knew and loved him well, he was called “Benny Harcus”) and I said to him, “join your men to mine, and take offices in the new company according to the number of men which we each furnish.” The bargain was made and the governor was informed the next day that a company of one hundred men was at his service. The officers of the company were: Captain, Newton B. Lord; first lieutenant, Erskine M. Camp; second lieutenant, Charles E. Zimmerman; first sergeant, Jay D. McWayne. That company (which was K of the 35th regiment) was the first which was raised in Jefferson County and the first that was accepted by the governor from that county.” 1)A Full Report of the First Re-union and Banquet of the Thirty-Fifth N. Y. Vols., held at Watertown, N. Y. on December 13th, 1887. Times Printing and Publishing House, 1888.
Muster roll of Company K, 35th Regiment of NY State (foot) volunteers when called into service of the United States by the president on 11 June 1861 at Elmira, N. Y. For a term of two years.
Name – Rank – Age – Muster Out Notation
- Erskine M. Camp Captain 29 – Promoted AQM 5/20/63
- Charles E. Zimmerman 1st Lieut. 27 – Promoted Capt. 1/17/62
- Jay D. McWoyne Ensign 27 – Promoted 1st Lt 1/17/62
- John O’Harra 1st Sergt 22 – Promoted 1st Lt 11/27/62
- Asel B. Wescott Sergt. 22 – Promoted 2nd Lt 2/20/63
- Henry Malone Sergt. 26
- Charles B. Bowers Sergt. 21
- John Keenen Corporal 20 – Promoted Sergt 3/31/63
- Neuman H. Potter Corporal 32
- Patrick Fitz Patrick Corporal 29 – Promoted 1st Sergt 3/1/63
- Demont McNeil Musician 22
- Charles Harlon Musician 35
- Auldrich, Hiram A. 21
- Ault, Hiram 18
- Allen, George W. 18
- Alexander, Wilbert 21
- Alexander, Sherman 23
- Armstrong, Henry 18
- Barnes, Friend 21
- Broadbent, Julius 20 – Killed at Antietam 9/62
- Brown, Benjamin 20
- Brinnan, William 19
- Cook, Henry C. 18
- Corninold, Ezra 35
- Countrymer, John 22
- Conden, James 24
- Clark, William T. 27 – Promoted Sergt 1/1/63
- Cook, Mineris F. 36
- Carpenter, Orval 18 – Died Wash, DC of colic 7/61
- Dirby, Henry 19
- Duke, James 21
- Dexter, Fozter W. 19
- Douglass, Ozander W. 20 – Promoted Corpl 3/1/63
- Foster, Albert 20 – Promoted Corpl 4/1/62
- Foster, Charles 18
- Graves, John 22
- Gardner, Edward 23
- Hare, Thomas O. 23
- Harrison, William H. 21 – Died Wash, DC of fever 8/61
- Hart, William 19
- Happ, John 20
- Hannah, Joseph 19
- Hoover, Josiah 23
- Johnson, John 20
- Jackson, William W. 22
- Jeffrey, Thomas 20
- Long, Robbert J. 18
- Low, Stephens W. 22 – Died Wash, DC of fever
- Losie, William 22
- Mobb, George 18
- Maldron, Frank 18
- Miller, Abe 36
- Potter, John L. 36
- Phelps, Robbert B. 26
- Powers, Thomas 20
- Patrick, Marcus 23
- Lanclot, Alphonzo 18
- Patrick, Jacob 26
- Russl, Edward 21
- Rathburn, Artemus 28
- Reese, John 20
- Rafter, Edward 25
- Stout, George 20
- See, Byron 22
- See, William 19
- Sampier, William 18
- Savage, Thomas 18
- Smith, Martin 30
- Switzer, Charles 19
- Sheeley, William 22 – Killed at Bull Run 8/30/62
- Stokes, Joseph 18
- Thomlinson, Richard 20
- Van Allen, Augustus 22 – Promoted Corpl 3/1/63
- Van Allen, Daniel 19 – Promoted Corpl 3/1/62
- Williams, Hiram 22
- Weller, Hazel 22
- Wait, John 19
- Wiley, Mark 23
- Worthingham, Benjamin 20 – Promoted Corpl 3/1/63
- Welch, William 40
Sir—The enlisted men of the 35th Regiment N. Y. V. have called upon me to represent their present feelings towards you who have been so long identified with us. As the task rises before me, every hour of our military lives crowds upon my memory, your controlling hand. We remember your efforts in the organization of the regiment. Our identity as an organization is due to you, and we well remember how our hearts rejoiced to see an incompetent Colonel removed and you so unanimously elected in his stead. You soon raised us from an armed mob, as we were, to be a regiment to which Generals Pope and McDowell pointed with pride, and which they declared was the best in the field. Your instructions on the drill ground have governed us on the field of battle. But it is useless to enlarge.
The recollections of the past crowd upon us, and impell us to say to you that every act of your military career meets our approbation. It is true that you have enemies; but who are they? A few office-seeking and backbiting officers. We have watched them and know them, and we defy any man to point to a single engagement that they were in and performed their duties. Two of them have passed through the last stage of dishonor, and are struggling against the pressure of the serious charges and specifications that have been preferred against them. Let them pass. We can but commend them to the people of Jefferson county for treachery, dishonesty and cowardice.
In leaving the service, Col. Lord, we ask you to accept the justly merited esteem of the enlisted men of the 35th Regiment. The kindest wishes of their hearts are with you. You will also accept the beautiful pair of solid silver spurs. The gift is a small one, but from full hearts. Accept this as a testimonial gift in return for and approval of your entire military life.
William D. Staplin,
Private Co. C., 35th N. Y. V.
In behalf of the enlisted men of the Reg’t.
Brownville, N. Y., June 10, 1863.
To Private W. D. Staplin,
And the enlisted men of the 35th N. Y. V.—My Friends: I have received your letter and the beautiful gift you have made me, and I take the only medium offered me through which to acknowledge it—the Press of Jefferson county.
I hoped to be able to see you again in line before you separated to return to your homes. I could have told you then more than I will say now, for I cannot write that to pass under the eyes of those who have been so free in their expressions in regard to me as I would have spoken to you!
You have heard what has been said of me, and you have taken this opportunity to show your knowledge of the falsity on those things. I prize your gift far more than its money value. It is incontestable and rebutting evidence of men who served under me, and passed through nine different battles with me, against imputations which have been cast upon me. I prize it for that reason, and because it comes from you who have carried the musket. You alone can confer honor. I triumph in your respect.
What though those who have slept in beds of down and dined at sumptuous tables, when we dropped to rest by the roadside in mud and rain, or munched our single hard-tack, have and will cast scron [sic] upon me, because I left home and its comforts to beggar myself in the cause of my country—to face danger and death. I care not for them. You sustain me. I am content.
The machinations of cowardly, incompetent and dishonest men may follow me even farther yet. They do even now, for I had prepared to organize another command and go back to the field with you–to do as you asked, for I would do anything for you and with you. I am not able to do as you ask. Those men will not allow it. They will neither fight for their country themselves, nor allow you and me to do so. I have no power to overcome them. I have no political influence, and desire none. I belong to no party, and do not propose to have any politics until this unhappy war is over. I cannot go with you, and yet while this is so, do not allow my being compelled to remain at home to influence you who would otherwise return, from going to your country’s aid. The cause in which you have been engaged is not the less worthy because such men can influence to its injury. It is none the less worthy because individuals suffer unjustly in its defence, nor because cowards and scoundrels are believed at our homes when they unjustly accuse.I have suffered many attacks against my character to go uncontradicted, because I would throw no obstacles of a personal kind in the way to unite all true men in the cause in which our liberties are at stake. I can and am willing to suffer. I can suffer the slow torture of seeing you go back to the field without me, and of remaining at home if necessary.
Boys, I thank you for your gift, and for your manifestation of friendship, and in parting with you I pray God may bless you in all your future, whether as citizens or soldiers.
Truly your friend, N. B. Lord
↑1 | A Full Report of the First Re-union and Banquet of the Thirty-Fifth N. Y. Vols., held at Watertown, N. Y. on December 13th, 1887. Times Printing and Publishing House, 1888. |