Orange County, New York Genealogy and History

Orange County, New York, the picturesque, the magnificent, was chosen for an abiding place by the early pioneers because nature had here created a beautiful garden where man might live and reap rich rewards for his toil. Its lofty mountain chains, stand-in guard over rich, undulating plains, watered by many crystal streams, wending their way to the mighty Hudson, its charming valleys and vales, wooded hills and green meadow lands all appealed strongly to their sense of beauty and the desire for a life of independence, peace, contentment and happiness. And they chose wisely and well.

The County of Orange dates its existence by legal enactment from October 1st, 1691, in the third year of the reign of William and Mary and in the administration of Henry Slaughter, Esq., Governor of the Colony. Orange County derives its name from the fact that King William was a Prince of the House of Orange. The first Assembly, which convened in the year 1691, passed an act entitled “An Act to Divide the Provinces and Dependencies into Shires and Counties,” and Section of that act provided: “The County of Orange to begin from the limits or bounds, of East and West Jersey, on the Westside of Hudson’s River, along the said river to the Murderer’s Creek, or bounds of the County of Ulster; and westward into the woods as far as the Delaware River.” To this was added later the lands of Wagacheneck and Great and Little Minisink.

Local tradition records that the first settlements were made by Dutch pioneers along the Minisink River in the early days of Nieu Amsterdam, then an infant Dutch colony. Dates and historical facts are conflicting and vague regarding these early settlers who were few in number, but records in existence show that it was towards the close of the 17th century that active competition in obtaining patents in the district began. On December 30th, 1702, the Cheesecock Patent was granted. This was followed on March 5, 1703, by the Wawayanda Patent, and on August 28, 1704, by the Minisink Patent. Those patents, which were obtained by purchase from the Indian proprietors, covered extensive territories, the boundaries of which were described in such general terms and the lines so vague and undefined that for many years afterward there existed difficulties as to titles that brought about long years of litigation.

The first census of the county was taken in 1698 by order of Governor Bellomont, which showed the population to consist of 29 men, 31 women, 140 children and 19 Negro slaves.

In 1785 Rockland County was formed from the Southern territory of Orange County and five towns were taken from the Southern part of Ulster County and added to Orange County, viz.: Newburgh, Cornwall, New Windsor, Montgomery and Deerpark. The present boundary of Orange County contains 834 square miles. The population as given by the last National census shows a population of about 120,000 people.

Almost every acre of Orange County is historic ground and to record the thrilling past of her patriotic men and women, its many places of Colonial and Revolutionary history and its present day industries and business enterprises would fill volumes many times the size of this modest little book.

Wander where you will, search foreign lands in every clime, and no fairer spot on “God’s. Footstool” can be found that so appeals to one’s sense of beauty, grandeur and love of home as Orange County, the land of plenty, beautiful in the budding Spring, gloriously’ radiant in her Summer dress of green, rich in the many colorings of Autumn and magnificent in her Winter garb of snow.

History of Orange County New York

Poems about Orange County New York

Historic Places of Colonial and Revolutionary Times, Orange County, New York

In almost every locality of the County of Orange can be found places of historic interest, where scenes were enacted that have become a part of our national history and are closely related to the founding of the National Government. Many of these spots of historic interest relate to early Colonial days, when the locality now known as Orange County was a vast uninhabited forest, peopled by Indians, from whom the early pioneers purchased their lands. Still other places relate to the revolutionary struggle for independence and are rich with the memories of scenes enacted in those heroic times. To…

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New Windsor Presbyterian Church, Orange County, New York

The New Windsor Presbyterian Church dates its organization from September 14, 1764, at which time Joseph Wood, William Lawrence, Samuel Brewster and Henry Smith were chosen Elders. It was formally constituted May 5, 1766, by the Rev. Timothy Jones, a committee of the Presbytery of New York. From the date of its institution until 1805, it was associated with the Bethlehem and Newburgh Societies in the support of a pastor, and from 1805 to 1810 with Bethlehem.. From 1810 to 1827 it enjoyed only occasional ministerial labors. On May 1, 1827, the Rev. James H. Thomas was employed in connection…

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First Presbyterian Church, Newburgh, Orange County, New York

The First Presbyterian Church of Newburgh commenced its formal, legal existence shortly after the dis­bandment of the Revolutionary Army and the breaking up of its encampments in 1783. Previous to this time for nearly a score of years there had been a religious organization composed of those who by religious conviction were of the Presbyterian faith, or in the designation used in those days, “in communion with the Church of Scotland.” It was an informal society and could be desig­nated more properly as an outlying mission station or district. The records of the Marlborough Society state that in the year…

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Orange County, New York, Biographies

Orange County can claim the distinction of having been the home of many men and women who have achieved literary fame as poets, historians, journalists and writers, the work of several having found a permanent place in English literature. Chief among her poets may be mentioned Nathaniel Parker Willis, of Cornwall, and Goshen’s sweet singer, Mrs. Ethel Lynn Eliot Beers. Poems of both these writers are to be found in Bryant’s “Family Library of Poetry and Song,” a standard work of international reputation. Beers, Ethel Lynn Eliot Boynton, Edward Carlisle Major Clinton, Dewitt Clinton, George Headley, Joel Tyler Moffat, David…

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Poems by Ethel Lynn Eliot Beers, Orange County, New York

All Quiet Along The Potomac “All quiet along the Potomac,” they say, Except now and then a stray picket is shot as he walks on his beat, to and fro, By a rifleman hid in the thicket. ‘Tis nothing: a private or two, now and then, Will not count in the news of the battle; Not an officer lost, only one of the men, Moaning out, all alone, the death rattle. All quiet along the Potomac tonight, Where the soldiers lie peacefully dreaming; Their tents in the rays of the clear Autumn moon, Or the light of the watch fires,…

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Poems by N. P Willis, Orange County, New York

The Belfry Pigeon On the crossbeam under the Old South bell The nest of a pigeon is built well, In summer and winter that bird is there, Out and in with the morning air; I love to see him track the street, With his wary eye and active feet; And I often watch him as he springs Circling the steeple with easy wings, Till across the dial his shade has passed, And the belfry edge is gained at last; ‘T is a bird I love, with its brooding note, And the trembling throb in its mottled throat; There’s a human…

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