The following Revolutionary War Pension Applications are filed in the Washington County, New York Archives located in the Washington Co. Municipal Building, Upper Broadway, Fort Edward, New York 12828.
Surname | Given | Year |
Allen | Amos | 1821 |
Austin | Ebenezer | 1820 |
Bacon | Joseph | 1820 |
Baldwin | Cornelius | 1820 |
Barker | Simion | 1820 |
Barney | Asa | 1820 |
Beard | Nathaniel | 1820 |
Beaumont | Daniel | 1821 |
Benedict | Ambrose | 1820 |
Bennett | Charles | 1821 |
Bennett | Jeremiah | 1820 |
Bentley | John | 1822 |
Bentley | John | 1823 |
Bissell | Oliver | 1820 |
Boynton | Solomon | 1820 |
Brewer | Peter | 1823 |
Buck | Abeil | 1820 |
Bugbee | Peletiah | 1820 |
Caldwell | William | 1820 |
Chappel | Amaziah | 1820 |
Cleveland | John | 1820 |
Cole | Jacobus | 1823 |
Cutter | Benjamin | 1820 |
Darby | Ed | 1821 |
Dickerman | Joseph | 1820 |
Dumaresque | Ebenezer | 1820 |
Dunham | Daniel | 1820 |
Eldridge | Jeremiah | 1820 |
Eldridge | John | 1820 |
Faxon | Jacob | 1820 |
Freeland | Abraham | 1820 |
Gould | William | 1822 |
Grandy | Bezaleel | 1822 |
Graton | James | 1824 |
Gray | Thomas | 1820 |
Hathaway | Abial | 1820 |
Hathaway | Abner | 1820 |
Hazard | Levi | 1820 |
Hind | Seth | 1820 |
Hitchcock | Phineas | 1820 |
Holmes | Jonathan | 1824 |
Hopkins | Richard | 1820 |
Humphrey | Samuel | 1820 |
Johnson | Thias | 1820 |
Jones | Ezekiel | 1820 |
Jones | Joel | 1820 |
Jones | Samuel | 1820 |
Joy | Nathaniel | 1820 |
King | Isaac | 1820 |
King | Stephen | 1820 |
Law | Nathan | 1821 |
Martin | Joseph | 1826 |
Mc Elherron | James | 1820 |
Mc Murphy | George | 1820 |
Morehouse | Isaac | 1831 |
Moulton | James | 1820 |
Newbury | Jeremiah | 1820 |
Noble | William | 1820 |
Norton | William | 1820 |
Parker | James | 1820 |
Perrigo | Joseph | 1824 |
Porter | John | 1820 |
Preston | Othniel | 1820 |
Pride | Reuben | 1820 |
Priest | John | 1820 |
Reed | Frederic | 1820 |
Remington | Josiah | 1820 |
Rhoades | Samuel | 1820 |
Richard | Silas | 1820 |
Robblee | Thomas | 1829 |
Roberts | Ezekiel | 1820 |
Roberts | Warren | 1825 |
Rogers | Paul | 1820 |
Rooker | Joseph | 1821 |
Sarle | Thomas | 1820 |
Scott | Amisa | 1820 |
Scott | John | 1820 |
Sears | Obadiah | 1820 |
Seelye | Benjamin | 1820 |
Selfridge | Robert | 1820 |
Shelly | Ebenezer | 1820 |
Sherman | Amos P. | 1820 |
Skinner | Luther | 1820 |
Smith | Elijah | 1820 |
Squiers | Daniel | 1822 |
Stoughton | Levy | 1823 |
Sweet | John | 1820 |
Taylor | Nathan | 1820 |
Taylor | Samuel | 1829 |
Thomas | George | 1821 |
Thomas | Joseph | 1820 |
Towne | William | 1820 |
Van Guilder | Reuben | 1826 |
Vandebogart | Minard | 1820 |
Vine | Solomon | 1821 |
Walker | Solomon | 1820 |
Washburn | Lemuel | 1820 |
Washburn | Samuel | 1820 |
Weller | Dan | 1820 |
Wetherbee | Jacob | 1820 |
Wetherbee | Simon | 1822 |
White | Potter | 1820 |
Whitney | Benjamin | 1820 |
Whitney | Benjamin | 1820 |
Williams | James | 1820 |
Winchell | Hezekiah | 1821 |
Woodstock | William | 1820 |
For further information please contact: Archivist, Washington County Archives, Washington Co. Municipal Building, Upper Broadway, Fort Edward, New York 12828. These databases are also accessible through for a fee: U.S., Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files, 1800-1900
Below are example images done up in a gallery of what you can expect to find from within these records. These images all pertain to the Revolutionary War Pension Application of Ebenezer Dumaresque.
Image Source: U.S., Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files, 1800-1900 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010.
Original data: Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files (NARA microfilm publication M804, 2,670 rolls). Records of the Department of Veterans Affairs, Record Group 15. National Archives, Washington, D.C.
Amaziah Chappel’s Pension Application
1 September 1820 – Amaziah Chappel, age 67, res. Granville, Wash. Co.; service: enlisted for 3 yrs, Col. Webb’s regiment, Capt. Alden’s company. “Capt. Alden was later killed by Dillon’s company of Light Horse Refugees, served the remainder of time in Capt. Buckley’s company, Conn. line,” served in following battles: Bunker Hill, 1775, Long Island, August 22, 1776 & retreat out of City of NY, Battle of White Plains, 1777 & battle of Esopus & Peramus (sic). discharged Morristown, 1780; occ: laborer; family: wife, age 62, “I have a large family of children but they have all married and left me. Two of my sons joined the American army at the Battle of Plattsburg in Sept. 1814 and have since gone to the western part of the state.”