The Western New York Index

The Western New York Index was created by the Buffalo & Erie County Library System and printed from 1983-1996. It indexed news, features, articles and reviews appearing in the city edition of the Buffalo News, Buffalo Spree, Business First, Western New York Magazine, and the WNY Genealogical Society Journal. Each volume covers one individual year, and also includes a separate Personal Names section. A print copy has been in the collection of the Western New York Library Resources Council since that time, and is still used by researchers. This collection was digitized on behalf of WNYLRC by the University at Buffalo. The images include searchable text.

The Western New York Index enables users to quickly and efficiently locate news, feature articles and reviews appearing primarily in the editions of the Buffalo News, Buffalo Spree, Business First, Western New York Magazine, and the WNY Genealogical Society Journal. While its emphasis is on events taking place in Western New York, State news related to local persons or events are also included.

Examples of Items Included are:

News of area significance, business news, earning statements of local firms, opinion polls, commentary, reviews of entertainment and cultural events, unusual sports events, biographical accounts of public officials, community leaders and others, crime – under the name of the victim as well as the offender, obituaries that appear as news items, editorials of local significance, etc.

Not included in this index are: Advertising, announcements of future events, astrology and crossword puzzles, fashion, comics, legal notices, lottery numbers, contest winners, personal advice columns, poetry, recipes, stock market reports, travel columns, stamps, coins, etc.

The Western New York Index is divided into two sections; the News Section and the Personal Names Section. Under each heading, entries are arranged chronologically. Each entry is followed by a citation, giving the name of the publication in which 1t appeared, the date, page, section and an annotation. Initially, the Buffalo News is the primary source of citations. In future editions other area publications maybe Included.

Code for:Buffalo NewsBN
Buffalo SpreeBS
Business FirstBF
Western New YorkWE
WNY Genealogical Society JournalGS
Other AbbreviationsMagazine SectionMA
"Gusto" SectionGU

The Western New York Index

Items are indexed under both general and specific terms with appropriate cross references. In the initial Issues of this index some cross references will appear for which no items are listed. These are known as blind references. Subsequent editions will rectify blind references as additional citations will fill in those gaps.

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