1827 Directory for the Village of Rochester, New York

Table of Contents

The earliest directory of Rochester New York was compiled in 1827. The directory was split into 4 sections. The first section contained a directory of the householders with their occupations and residence. The second section contained a directory of the boarders with their occupation and who they boarded with. The third part contains a description and memorandums of the county of Monroe and its environs. The final and fourth part contained advertisements.

This post is section one. You will note that the people were not listed in order, leaving us to wonder, what order, if any, was there? We have not been able to determine that. Because the compiler used ‘do.’ to reference ditto, meaning that item was the same as the item above it, than without a lot of editing, we could not provide an alphabetical list for you. As such, use your CTRL+F to find the surname you want.

A Directory of the Householders with their Occupations and Residence

A.— First Ward.

Avery, Edwin, grocer, Exchange Street.
Avery, Joseph, labourer, Carroll Street.
Anderson, James, blacksmith, do.
Allen, Samuel, do.
Allen, John, clerk, E. of Carroll Street.
Avery, Thomas J. labourer, do.
Aldrich, Charles, hatter, Hughes Street.
Ailing, John, shoemaker, do.
Averley, , wheelwright, Hart Street.
Ardlaw, William, labourer, E. of Carroll Street.
Aldrich, Nahum, merchant, do.

A. — Second Ward.

Askins, John, labourer, W. of Frank Street.
Ackerman, S. do. Buffalo Street.
Ainsworth, Walter G. grocer, do.
Adams, Archibald, mason, State Street.
Ames, Lodowick, carpenter, do.
Abell, Benjamin, do. do.
Allcott, Mrs. M. do.
Arnold, Miss Cynthia, Ann Street.
Aldrich, Mrs. do.
Allcott, S. P. merchant, W. of Frank Street.

A.— Third Ward.

Allen, William, labourer, Washington Street.
Allgood, William, painter, Troup Street.
Allen, Samuel, labourer, do.
Alexander, John, blacksmith, do.
Allen, Zebulon, labourer, Caledonia and Cornhill.
Adams, Jeduthan, mason, do.
Algra, Martin, teamster, Ford Street.

A.— First Ward.

Aliett, Harvey, carpenter, Clinton Street.
Allen, Philip, do. do.
Allen, Daniel B. labourer, Main Street.
Adams, Harvey, mason, Chesnut Street.
Atwood, Elkanah, carpenter, Court Street.
Andrus, Isaac, labourer, River Street.
Andrus, Patrick, . do. Canal Street.

A.— Fifth Ward.

Allen, Asa K. carpenter, Main Street.
Atkinson, William, merchant miller, do.
Austin, Rufus, carpenter, Canal Street.
Agan, Patrick, labourer, Dublin.
Armisted, Thomas B. potter, Clinton Street.
Adzet, Benjamin, carpenter, Franklin Street.
Ambrose, Nathaniel, butcher, Main Street.
Andrews, Samuel I. Market Street.

B.— First Ward.

Bristol, Daniel M. tavern keeper, Exchange Street.
Bond, Joshua C. dancing-master, do.
Barton, Josiah, labourer, do.
Bowen. Sales, grocer, Buffalo Street.
Butler, —, do. do.
Bristol, Charles B. boarding-house, do.
Burbank, George G. painter, do.
Beardsley, Lester, carpenter, do.
Bruff, Benjamin, bathing house, do.
Belden, Ira, tinner, do.
Baker, William, farrier, do.
Brown, John, do. do.
Beach, Rufus, attorney, do..
Bartow, Nehemiah, butcher, Carroll Street.
Bradbury, Mrs. boarding house, do.
Burnes, Thomas, labourer, do.
Babbit, Mrs. do.
Burnes, Michael, millwright, E. of Carroll Street.
Brown, John B. do. do.
Barns, Joseph, carpenter, do.
Bennett, Mrs. do.
Bingham, Theodoras, carpenter, Hughes Street.
Bingham, Mrs. do.
Balch, Simon, school teacher, do.
Barnard, Jehiel, tailor, do.
Ballard, Lyman S. tinner, do.
Beatty, Harmon, shoemaker, do.
Burnap, Ela, goldsmith, Hart Street.
Barker, Solomon, labourer, do.
Brown, Avery, tailor, do.
Byington, George, do. do.

B. — Second Ward.

Bush, Joseph, labourer, W, of Frank Street.
Bidwell, Truman, carpenter, do.
Brady, Dennis, mason, do.
Butler, Walter, labourer, Court Street.
Bailey, William, mason, Buffalo Street.
Burton, James, labourer, do.
Bullard, Fisher, grocer, Frank Street.
Bradshaw, Mrs. do.
Blood, Joseph, mason, do.
Beach, Elias, carpenter, do.
Birch, Rufus, do. do.
Buchanan, John J. boat-builder, do.
Brown, Matthew, Jr. merchant miller, Court Street.
Barker, Seth, manufacturer, State Street,
Barrington, Jacob, chandler, do.
Brundage, Floyd, cooper, do.
Bell, James, do. do.
Bralthwaite, John, merchant, do.
Butman, Benjamin, iron-founder, do.
Burr, Timothy, do.
Brown, Charles, manufacturer, Mill Street.
Bosworth, Constant, labourer, do.
Ball, Silas, sawyer, do.
Bartlett, Ignatius, carpenter, do.
Barber, Norman, shoemaker, State Street.
Bemis, Richard, labourer, Ann Street.

B.— Third Ward.

Bowdish, Almeron, labourer, Spring Street,
Bicknell, Caleb H. blacksmith, do.
Bruce, John R. carpenter, do.
Backus, F. F. physician, Fitzhugh Street.
Barnard, D. D. attorney, do.
Berthrong, Henry, mason, Spring Street.
Beebe, James C. carpenter, Caledonia and Cornhill.
Berthrong, Horatio, mason, do.
Benedict, Reuben, do. do.
Boughton, Sellick, attorney, Sophia Street.
Bissell, Josiah, jr. Troup Street.
Brace, Harvey, teamster, do.
Baxter, John, carpenter, do.
Baker, Daniel, cooper, Caledonia and Cornhill.
Baker, Asa, do. do.
Brace, Hiram, teamster, do.
Beatty, Job, butcher, do.
Bliss, Clement, carpenter, do.
Berry, Levi, teamster, Buffalo Street.
Babbit, John, carpenter, Troup Street.
Bailey, , labourer, do.
Bell, Jeremiah, barber, Ford Street.
Benton, Charles, chandler, Buffalo Street.
Butler, Lemuel, tavern-keeper and grocer, Exchange Street.
Burhight, Walter, carpenter, do.
Baldwin, William, teamster, do.
Biden, John, carpenter, do.
Bacon, Timothy L. grocer, Sophia Street.
Bingham, John, carpenter, do.

B.— Fourth Ward.

Brigham, John, boat builder, South Street.
Bunnell, Bradley, do.
Brittin, Joab, sawyer, do.
Boston, George, labourer, do.
Bush, O. N, merchant, Clinton Street.
Bailey, Thomas S. grocer, River Street.
Bean, Aaron, do. , do.
Buell, James, butcher, do.
Bliss, Thomas, cabinet-maker, do.
Boulton, George, labourer, Canal Street,
Brady, Thomas, grocer, do,
Blanchard, George, do. Main Street,
Bull, Alonzo, do. do.
Bush, Eleazer, carpenter, Chesnut Street.
Bliss, William C. cabinet-maker, Court Street.
Brown, William, dancing-master, Washington square.
Bush, Barna, blacksmith, do.
Bush, Eleazer, jr. do. do.
Bush, Erastus, labourer, do.
Barnard, Thomas, Miller, Stone Street.
Barnard, Moses, wheelwright, do.
Brown, Talcott, joiner, do.
Barnard, Elihu, butcher, do.
Barrett, David, teamster, Chesnut Street.
Bush, Alexander, blacksmith, do.

B.— Fifth Ward.

Blanchard, Abijah, grocer, Main Street.
Barrett, Hiram S. carpenter, do.
Barker, Peckham, do.
Bishop, William L. student, do.
Bush, Roswell, reed-maker, do.
Blossom, Benjamin, innkeeper, do.
Billinghurst, Thomas, labourer, Canal Street.
Burnet, John W. do. do.
Burnet, William, butcher, do.
Brewer, William, coach-maker, do.
Baylis, William, labourer, do.
Basley, J. G. sawyer, do.
Barrett, Rinado, grocer, do.
Burk, James, labourer, Dublin.
Burk, Thomas, do. do.
Barry, James, mason, do.
Bulger, Hugh, labourer, do.
Baws, Daniel, do. do.
Bartlett, Stephen B. constable, do.
Brundage, Allen, cooper, Market Street.
Beal, James, mason, do.
Boulton, Giles, do.
Board, Mrs. Phebe, boarding-house, do.
Barrett, Wadsworth, carpenter, Mechanick Street.
Buchanan, Joseph, labourer, do.
Blanchard, James B. do. do.
Bissell, IJerman, broker, Mortimer Street.
Brown, Dennis, carpenter, Clinton Street.
Butler, William, peddler, do.
Burnet, Henry, labourer, Andrews Street.
Bissell, Martin C. mason, do.
Bookaut, Henry, labourer, do.
Bennett, Reuben, brewer, do.
Bardwell, Reuben, magistrate, North Street.
Byron, Daniel, labourer, do.

C— First Ward.

Cairnes, Jeremiab, tailor, Buffalo Street.
Crawford, George, chandler, do.
Clapp, Martin, mason, do.
Chamberlin, D. V. carpenter, do.
Christopher, J. G. tavern-keeper,
Carroll Street. Cayswell, Mrs. , do.
Congdon, Jesse E. shoemaker, do.
Comens, Benjamin, do.
Celman, Anson, physician, do.
Cramer, Lewis, shoemaker, do.
Cuyler, William T. coach-maker, Hughes Street,
Chandler, Noah, do. do.
Cox, John, butcher, do.
Croghan, Mrs. Hart Street.
Crouch, William, teamster, do.
Cory, Allen, do.
Covert, Mrs. do.
Clark, Daniel, musick master, do.
Clark, William, labourer, W. of Hart Street.
Clark, Mrs., do.
Caryle, Michael, labourer, do.
Cowdery, Franklin, printer, Hart Street.

C. — Second Ward.

Clary, Michael, labourer, W. of Frank Street.
Collins, William, do. do.
Cooley, Daniel, clothier, do.
Clark, Alfred M. painter, Buffalo Street.
Carpenter, Harvey, labourer, Mill Street,
Clark, Crossman, mason, Frank Street.
Cutler, Jeremiah, dep. county clerk, Buffalo Street.
Carey, Joseph, merchant, State Street.
Clark, Daniel, labourer, do.
Case, William, do. do.
Cooley, Hanan, iron founder, Mill Street.
Corning, John, carpenter, do.
Clary, Samuel, labourer, do.
Christalier, William, do. do.
Cunningham, S. F. carpenter, State Street.
Coleman, David, labourer, Ann Street.
Campbell, Solomon, boat-builder, Spring Street.
Considine, John, labourer, Fitzhugh Street.
Cook, Erastus, goldsmith, do.
Cooley, Joseph C. grocer, do.
Colson, William B. sawyer, Spring Street.
Cheshire, George, clerk, do.
Campbell, Benjamin, merchant, Troup Street.
Clark, John M. carpenter, do.
Clough, Benjamin, cooper, do.
Clough, John, labourer, do.
Chapin, Moses, judge, com. pleas, do.
Clark, Mrs. do.
Carpenter, Samuel, teamster, Caledonia and Cornhill.
Carter, John, shoemaker, do.
Cummings, Charles G. carpenter, Troup Street.
Coleman, Benjamin, do. Cornhill.
Campbell, George, labourer, do.
Crandall, Henry, carpenter, Ford Street.
Colwell, Oliver E. do. do.
Child, Jonathan, Exchange Street.
Church, Samuel, millwright, do.
Coy, Mrs. boarding-house, do.
Church, Ezra, carpenter, do.
Cummins, Charles, teamster,
Curry, Robert J. blacksmith,
Callum, George, carpenter.
Cummins, Charles, teamster,
Curry, Robert J. blacksmith,
Callum, George, carpenter,
Corbin, Joseph S. mason, Buffalo Street.
Collins, Gilbert G. shoemaker, do.
Clark, Caleb L. painter, Sophia Street.
Cuming, Rev. F. H. do.
Cathcart, John A. merchant, do.
Case, Seth, carpenter, Hughes Street.

C— Fourth Ward.

Catlin, Timothy, carpenter, Clinton Street.
Coats, Thomas, labourer, Green Street.
Cook, Amasa, mason, do.
Cannon, George, grocer, River Street.
Cooley, Harvey, do. do.
Coleman, Noah H. tavern-keeper, de.
Crome, Christopher, carpenter, do.
Case, William, do. do.
Collier, Jason, shoemaker, do.
Carpenter, Sarel, sawyer, Clinton Street.
Carpenter, Asa, do. Main Street.
Commins, Jedediah D. merchant, do.
Cutting, Joseph H. labourer, do.
Cairns, John, chair-maker, do.
Copeland, David, mason, Chesnut Street.
Chamberlin, John, labourer, do.
Collar, Rufus, shoemaker, Court Street.
Cairns, John, silversmith, do.
Cramer, George, cooper, Washington square,
Clark, John, merchant, do.
Child, Thomas, accountant, do.
Cable, Martin, engraver, Stone Street.
Case, Timothy, tinner, do.
Caldwell, John, carpenter, Clinton Street.
Cambern, Joseph, mason, Chesnut Street.
Curtiss, A. B. clothier, River Street.

C— Fifth Ward.

Campbell, John, labourer, Dublin,
Coffin, Thomas, do. do.
Cochran, Moses, do. do.
Cameron, Barnabas, cooper, Market Street.
Clark, Frederick, painter, do.
Carter, Miles, merchant, do.
Colby, John, whitesmith, Mechanick Street.
Colby, Bill, chair-maker, do.
Cook, Lewis C. carpenter, Mortimer Street.
Cairns, John, stone-cutter, Clinton Street.
Calkins, Horace, saddler, do.
Close, James, labourer, Franklin Street.
Corley, William, do. do.
Charles, William, Main Street.

D.— First Ward.

Darrow, Pierce, cooper, Buffalo Street.
Duncan, William, labouret, do.
Donaldson, Andrew, baker, E. of Carroll Street.
Doody, Nicholas, labourer, do.
Darby, Reuben, grocer, do.
Dixon, Phebe, do.
Doyle, Edward, merchant, Hughes Street.
Daily, Caleb B. carpenter, W. of Hart Street.

D. — Second Ward.

Dyer, Russell, butcher, W. of Frank Street.
Dundas, Charles W. clerk, do.
De Bay, John, labourer, do.
Dalrymple, John, carpenter, do.
Densmore, Joel, pail-,maker, do.
Disbraugle, Simon, cooper, State Street.
Dart, John, carpenter, do.
Dunn, James, sawyer, do.

D.— Third Ward.

Dixon, John, blacksmith, Washington Street.
Dyer, Moses, chandler, Fitzhugh Street.
Dewey, David S. teamster, do,
Dickson, John, attorney. do.
Davis, Zimri, butcher, Troup Street.
Dunning Czar, merchant, do.
Daniels, Mark, cooper, do.
Drake, Daniel T. do. do.
Denovu, Patrick, labourer, Caledonia & Corhhill.
Dawson, George, bookbinder, do.
Dawson, Edward, carpenter. Exchange Street
Daily, Patrick, labourer, Sophla, Street.
Duncan, William, mason, do.
Day, Eli, physician, Fitzhugh Street.

D.— Fourth Ward.

Doolittle, Joel, teamster, Greenest
Dubois, Mrs. do.

Dobbin, James, clothier, River Street;

Dana, Francis Jr. grocer, do.

Dunham, Silas, boarding-house, do.
Davis, James, baker, Main Street.
Dennis, John, shoemaker, do.
Dempster, Key. John, Main Street.
Dorin, Mrs. Court Street.

D.— Fifth Ward.

Dunbar, Sullivan, nailor, Canal Street.
Dyer, William R. miller, do.
Dawlon, James, labourer,
Dublin, Davis, Daniel, do. do.
Dilrea, John, teamster, do.
Doty, Solomon, shoemaker, River Street.
Dewey, Jehial, butcher, Mechanick Street.
Daniels, Israel, labourer, do.
Daniels, Greorge, grocer, do.

Davenport, Daniel, butcher, do.
Dramis, Michael, mason, Franklin Street.
Dramis, David, carpenter, do.
Davis, Lyman, labourer, Canal Street.
Dewey, Samuel, cooper, do.

E.— First Ward.

Earle, William, mason, Buffalo Street.

Evarts, Washington C. comb-maker, do.
Ensworth, Russell, tavern-keeper, do,
Evans, Hugh, barber, Carr6ll Street.
Everest, Edward R. shoemaker, Hughes Street.
Eldridge, William M. tavern-keeper, Buffalo-fit.

E.— Second Ward.

Eldridge, Hezekiah, carpenter, W, of Frank.Kt.
Elwell, John, labourer, State Street,
Elwell, Abraham, do, do. Evans, Mrs. do.

E.— Third Ward.

Ely, Harvey, merchant miller, Washington Street,
Egleston, Joseph, cooper, Exchange,t,
Edgewoith, John, labourer, Sophia Street.

E.— Fourth Ward.

Ellison, Samuel, potter, Green Street.
Erington, Joseph, boat-builder, Clinton-fit;
Ellerby, tailor, Rivpr Street.
Ely, Elisha, do.
Easton, Chauncey, paper-maker, dd.
Estage, Euleys, boatman, die.
Eldridge, Mrs. Patty, Main-flit.
Eldridge, Duncan, mason, Publick-square,
Emerson, Thomas, miller, do.

E.— Fifth Ward.

Elliott, Captain, painter, Canal Street.
Eu,es, William, teamster, Dublin,
Eaton, Mrs. Mechanick Street.

F.— First Ward.

Farrington, Fry, labourer, Buffalo Street.
Faley, Patrick, tailor, Hughes Street.
Flower, Elisha, grocer, Hart Street.
Fitch, Ahirah, tanner, E. of Carroll Street.

F. — Second Ward.

Fairman, Lemuel, mason, W. of Frank Street.
Fanning, Ebenezer P. cooper, do.
Fitch, J. P. tavern-keeper, Buffalo Street.
Field, Rodolphus, labourer, do.
Fenner, Jeremiah, do. Mill Street.
Fuller, Mrs. Ann Street.
Farnum, Thomas, labourer, Ann Street.

F.— Third Ward.

Foster, Mrs. Wasbington Street.
Frederick, Kicbard, P. shoemaker, Fitzhugh Street.
Frederick, Mrs. do.
Ferguson, Alanson, shoemaker, do.
Filon, James, labourer, Troup Street.
French, Willis, carpenter, Caledonia & Cornhill.
French, Anson, shoemaker, do.
Frink, Harvey, butcher, do.
Freeden, John, caulker, High Street.
Fisk, Samuel B. carpenter, Ford Street.
Fisher, George, Buffalo Street.
Farn, Benjamin, mason. Exchange Street.
Fitch, Asahel, tanner, do.
Frith, Thomas, blacksmith, do.

F. — Fourth Ward.

Francis, David, carpenter, South Street.
Fox, Leavitt, Cl.nton Street.
Fox, Ambrose P. carpenter, do.
Frazet, Josepli, tobaccooist, River Street.
Frothingham, $• bajber, do.
Ferguson, Mrs. do.
Fitch, Elijah, tavern-keeper, Main Street.
Faust, John, carpenter, Court Street.
Fitz, Isaac, mason, Green Street.
Furbush, William, labourer, River Street.

F.— Fifth Ward.

Fellows, Elkanah F. land agent, Market Street.
Foster, George, shoemaker, Mechanick Street,
Farnum, Mrs. Eunice, Mortimer Street.
Fish, Wilson D. carpenter, do.
Fairchild, John F. cooper, Franklin Street.
Forbes, Archibald H. labourer, do.
Ferguson, Jacob, mason, North Street.

G.— First Ward.

Griffith, Evan, merchant, Buffalo Street,
Garnsey, Chester, Baker, do.
Graves, Jacob, tanner, Carroll Street.
Glenn, George, stocking-weaver, Hughes Street.
Garrett, Edmund H. shoemaker, do.
Goss, Mrs, Hart Street.
Granger, Lyman, wheelwright, do.

G. — Second Ward.

Griffin, William, carpenter, W. of Frank Street.
Gilbert, Chauncey, shoemaker, Buffalo Street.
Graham, Lorenzo, do. do.
Gordon, William, labourer, Mill Street.
Gilkinson, Elias, tailor, State Street.
Glazier, David, labourer, Frank Street.

G.— Third Ward.

Griffin, Ebenezer, attorney, Spring. st.
Gibbs, John, cooper, Washington Street.
Gibbs, Mrs. Fitzhugh Street.
Gould, Jacob, shoemaker, do.
Green, David, cooper, Troup Street.
Grimes, Mrs. do.
Gorman, John, labourer, Caledonia and Cornhill.
Gibson, Robert, shoemaker, do.
Griffith, William, shoemakery Caledonia & Cornhill
Gibbs, Orin E. druggist, Exchange st.
Gilin, Dennis, labourer, Ford Street.
Gorsline, Richard, mason, Buffalo St.
Gould, Marcus, carpenter, do.
Goodsell, Naaman, Sophia Street.
Granger, Calvin, boatman, Ford Street.
Groodrich, Mrs, Exchange Street.

G.— Fourth Ward.

Graves, Daniel, sawyer, Green Street.
Granger, Erastus, innkeeper, River Street.
Gilman, Harvey, blacksmith, do.
Gilbert, John, do. do.
George, Isaac L. millwright, Canal Street.
Griswold, John, Main Street.
Gildersleeve, William, physician, do.
Gilbert, Samuel, tanner, do.

G.— Fifth Ward.

Gay, Calvin, carpenter, Canal Street.
Gilbert, Ephraim, gunsmith, Main Street.
Green, Elisha, teamster, Dublin.
Gould, William, mason, do.
Goodwin, Seth, grocer, Mechanick Street.
Gaul, Archibald, do. do.
Grover, Elihu H. shoemaker, Mortimer Street.
Green, Russell, painter, do.
Goodrich, Russell W. stone-cutter, Clinton Street.

H.— First Ward.

Hill, George, physician, Carroll Street.
Hanafin, John, grocer, Exchange Street.
Hastings, S. P. carpenter, Buffalo Street.
Hammond, Henry, mason, do. Hayes, William, do.
Hurlburt, Benjamin F. chair-maker, Carroll Street.
Haywood, William, hatter, do.
Hart, Mrs. Eliza, do.
Hall, Samuel, labourer, E. of Carroll Street.
Hunt, Simon, physician, do.
Holmes, George, labourer, do.
Hagerman, Albert, baker, Hughes Street.
Haywood, John, hatter, do.
Howe, Jacob, baker, do.
Hayes, Edmund, labourer, Hart Street.
Hinzey, William, do. E. of Carroll Street.
Hotchkiss, Mrs. do.

H.— Second Ward.

Hayes, Barna, labourer, W. of Frank Street.
Hall, Solomon, shoemaker, do.
Huston, Jtines Jr. clothier, Court Street. .
Holt, Isaac, shoemaker, Buffalo Street.
Hubberton, Alfred, carpenter, do.
Heron, John, caulker, do.
Harris, Orrin, carpenter, FrankHst.
Howard, Samuel, labourer, do.
Hull, Dan, do. W. of do.
Harlow, Elijah, cabinet-maker, State Street.
Holmes, Marcus, miller, do.
Holmes, Samuel, carpenter, do.
HulL Lodowick, labourer, do.
Hithcock, Leonard, tinner, do.
Howard, Mrs. Mill Street.
Harridon, Mrs. do.
Haight, Fletches M. attorney, Mill Street.
Higget, Charles, iron-founder, State Street.
Hawley, Silas, sash-maker, do.
Hall, John G. plough-maker, do.
Hutchins, Silas W. labourer, Court Street.
Hoyt, Jerrey, cooper, Buifalo Street.

H.— Third Ward.

Harvey, Richard, painter, Washington Street.
Hatch, Daniel D. inspector, do.
Hines, Richard, labourer, Fitzhugh Street.
Hubbard, Abner, carpenter, do.
Hatch, Daniel, do. Spring Street.
Hatch, Mrs, boarding-house, do.
Hills, Isaac, attorney, Sophia Street.
Hemmenway, Joseph, cooper, Troup Street.
Hibbard, Hiram, mason, Caledonia & Cornhill.
Hart, George H. book-binder, do.
Holbrooke W. W. carpenter, Caledonia & Cornhill.
Howlet, Parker, boatman, do;
Hall, John, carpenter, Ford Street.
Hart, William, labourer, Exchange Street.
Hibbard, Nathaniel, carpenter, Sophia Street.
Hill, Charles J. merchant, do.
Hall, William, do.
Harford, Mrs. Sarah, do.
Hill, Justin, sawyer, Washington Street.
Hulbert, Alvin, labourer, do.
Hendricks, Charles, clerk, High Street.

H.— Fourth Ward.

Hopkins, Mrs. Green Street.
Histed, John, sawyer, do.
Horan, Daniel, tailor, Clinton Street.
Hitchcock, Aaron, shoemaker, River Street.
Hitchell, Edward, carpenter, do.
Hunt, Joseph, blacksmith, do.
Huntley, Richard B. do. do.
Hollister, George, labourer, do.
Halsey, Joseph, grocer, do.
Hannahs, Ruluff D. sawyer, do.
Hurlburt, Lemuel, tinner, Canal Street,
Hamilton, Thomas, labourer, do,
Howard, Thomas, tinner, do.
Hazzard, A. M. labourer, Washington-square.
Harris, Sluman W. boat agent, do.
Harper, James, labourer, Stone Street.
Handy, Lewis, carpenter, Chesnut Street.
Haines, James, cooper, Jackson Street.
Haines, Nathan R. do. . do.
House, Anson, attorney, River Street.

H.— Fifth Ward.

Hammell, Isaac, labourer, Main Street.
Hunn, Tiffany, wheelwright, do.
House, Margaret, Canal Street.
Hawks, Paul B, labourer, do.
Hall, Mrs. Dublin.
Hatch, Nicholas, carpenter, do.
Hinzey, James, labourer, do.
Hand, John, teamster, Dublin.
Hart, Mrs. do.
Herney, Mrs. do.
Hall, William M. cooper, Market Street.
Hall, Benjamin, do. do.
Henry, John D. physician, do.
Horan, Mrs. Mechanick Street.
Heron, Clisha, shoemaker, do.
Hastings, Orrin, boarding-house, do.
Henshaw, Thomas, baker, do.
Harral, George, physician, Mortimer Street.
Haywood, A. do.
Hunt, Alpheus M. grocer, do.
Horton, James, labourer, Franklin Street.
Hart, Mrs. do.
Henry, Joseph, carpenter, North Street.
Hawks, Paul, mason, do.

J.— First Ward.

Jones, James, labourer, E. of Carroll Street.
Jennings, Abraham, do.
Jones, David, labourer, do.
Johnson, Thomas, merchant, do.
Jenks, Nathan, hatter, Buffalo Street.
Judson, Mrs. do.
Jones, Abraham L. grocer, Hart Street.

J.— Second Ward.

June, Israel, cooper, W. of Frank Street.
Jones, Seth C. boat-builder, do.
Jones, John, blacksmith, State Street.

J.— Third Ward.

Jones, Richard, labourer, Washington Street.
Johnson, Jeremiah, do. do.
Johnson, Roswell B. carpenter, do.,
Jeffords, Joseph, labourer, do.
Johnson, Jehn, carpenter, Troup Street.
Jackson, Joseph, mason, Buffalo Street.
Jewell, Oliver, mill-wright, Exchange Street.
Jackson, Micajah W. plough-maker, do.

J.— Fourth Ward.

Johnson, Elisha, land agent, Clinton Street.
Jenks, John, labourer, Canal Street.
Johnson, William, do. Chesnut Street.

J.— Fifth Ward.

Jackson, Cyrus, gunsmith, Mechanick Street.
Jones, Smith, painter, do.
Janis, Joseph, carpenter, do.

K.— First Ward.

Kenney, Mrs. Hart Street.
King, Robert, grocer, do.
Kelly, Edward, labourer, do.
Kearney, Patrick, merehant-tailor, Hughes Street.
Keirulff, Viele, grocer, Carroll Street.
Kasson, Alexander, do. Buffalo Street.
Kingsley, George, labourer, do.

K. — Second Ward.

Kingston, Chauncey, labourer, Buffalo Street.
Kennedy, Hugh, weaver. State st.
Kempshall, Thomas, merchant, do.
Kief, Dennis, labourer, W. of Frank Street.
Kelly, Thomas, do. do.
Kinney, John, blacksmith, do.
Kniffin, William, boatman, State Street.
Kimball, William A. carpenter, Jones Street.
Kidney, Robert, labourer, Mill Street.

K.— Third Ward.

Kenyon, Alexander, constable, Buffalo Street.
Ketchum, Seth, sawyer, Fitzhugh Street.
Kennedy, Henry, clerk, Exchange Street.
Kaunah, Patrick, blacksmith, Sophia Street.
Kelvin, John, labourer, do.
King, Hiram, miller, Exchange Street.

K.— Fourth Ward.

Knapp, Joseph D. shoemaker, River Street.
Ketchum, Samuel W. boatman, do.

K.— Fifth Ward.

Knight, Abel, mason, Main Street.
Kidder, George, shoemaker, Mechanick Street

L.— First Ward.

Leonard, Reuben, tavern-keeper, Exchange Street.
Lynch, Michael, grocer, Buffalo Street.
Lynch, Peter, do. do.
Langworthy, H. N. dry goods and milliner, Carroll Street.
Longworth, John, mason, E. of do.
Lambert, Charles, grocer, Buffalo Street.

L. — Second Ward.

Logan, Charles, labourer, W. of Frank Street.
Luce, Cheney, tavern-keeper, Buffalo Street.
Lewis, Lucius, cooper, Jay Street.
Lunt, Charles C. tavern-keeper, State Street.
Livingston, J. K. attorney, Mill Street.
Leonard, Isaac, inspector of leather, State Street.
Linn, James, labourer, W. of Frank Street.
Lamby, Mrs. do.

L.— Third Ward.

Lockman, John, labourer, Troup Street.
Loomis, Daniel, carpenter, Sophia Street.
Lathrop, Charles C. saddler, Spring Street.
Linden, Mrs. Washington Street.
Ludden, Luther, teamster, do.
Ludden, Mrs. do.
Landfear, Bela, cabinet, maker, Fitzhugh Street.
Lyon, John G, sawyer, Spring Street.
Lawson, Lars, boat-builder, Caledonia & Cornhill.
Lyon, Sterry, teamster, do.
Little, Asahel, labourer, Ford Street.
Lamson, Mrs. do.
Linsley, Ozias, grocer, Exchange Street.

L.— Fourth Ward.

Lane, James, labourer, Green Street.
Lee, Samuel W. goldsmith, Clinton Street.
Lund, Moses, labourer, River Street.
Lincoln, L. T. tailor, Main Street.
Loder, Mitchell, constable, do.
Lockwood, Charles, carpenter, Chesnut Street.
Luce, Apollos, mason, do.
Lighthall, Joseph, shoemaker, Court Street.
Leddy, Patrick, peddler, Stone Street.
Lyman, Nathan, brewer, Canal Street.
Lord, Ralph H. saddler, Clinton Street.
Lane, Gaius, blacksmith, River Street.

L.— Fifth Ward.

Lamb, Asa, grocer, Main Street.
Lamb, Seth, tavern-keeper, do.
Lee, Charles M. attorney, Market Street.
Lee, Elisha S. do. do.
Leavitt, Andrew V. T. do.
Lilly, John, blacksmith, Mechanick Street.
Lee, James, carpenter, Mortimer Street.
Lyons, George, painter, Clinton Street.
Lockwood, Mathewson B. school-teacher, Andrews Street.
Lozenby, Thomas, cooper, Andrews Street.
Loder, Aquilla, labourer, Clinton Street.

M. — First Ward.

Maynard, B. L. grocer,. Exchange Street.
Morris, John, chandler, Buffalo Street.
M’Donald, Claudius, shoemaker, do.
Mulloy, Edward, grocer, do.
M’Donough, Mrs. do.
Mathies, J. L. D. grocer, do.
Mooney, Gerrit V. labourer, do.
M’Knight, Patrick, do. do.
May, Mrs. Mary, boarding-house, Carroll Street.
Marckley, Samuel, gunsmith, do.
M’Kenzie, Valentine, labourer, Buffalo Street.
Morse, Edmund C. carpenter, Hughes Street.
Meeker, John, do. do
Miller, Lewis L. morocco dresser, do.
Marvin, George physician, do.
Merchant, John, shoemaker, Hart Street.
M’Donald, Lucy, do.
Marsh, James A. carpenter, do.
M’Cracken, William J. dep. sheriff, Hughes Street.

M. — Second Ward.

M’Guire, Barney, carpenter, W. of Frank Street.
M’Christin, James, labourer, do.
M’Christin, Patrick, do. do.
Mallory, Jonathan T. mason, Frank Street.
Mulligan, —, labourer, Buffalo Street.
Mason, Ezra, sawyer, Jones Street.
M’Canty, Francis, grocer, do.
M’Knight, William, merchant, Court Street.
Magne, Charles, boat-builder, State Street.
Morey, Gideon, merchant, do.
Mason, Jesse, currier, do.
Mahoney, John, labourer, Ann Street.
M’Candless, William, labourer, W. of Frank Street.
Morton, William, carpenter, Buffalo Street.
M’Kee, Archibald, do. do.

M.— Third Ward.

Matthews, Vincent, attorney, Washington Street.
Merrill, Samuel L. turner, Fitzhugh Street.
Moore, Ephraim, merchant, do.
Mosier, George M. teamster, Spring Street.
Montgomery, Harvey, Sophia Street.
Mattoon, Mrs. Lydia, Troup Street.
Miuack, Michael, labourer, do.
Morse, Wolcott, boat-builder, do.
M’Williams, John, blacksmith, Ford Street.
Marsh, Mrs. do.
Mead, Matthew, blacksmith, Buffalo Street.
M’Curdy, John, saddler, do.
Morgan, Thomas, nailor, do.
Morgan, Edward, carpenter, Sophia Street.
Matthews, Thomas, forwarder, do.
M’Kelvey, John, grocer, do.

M. — Fourth Ward.

Miller, William H. currier, South Street.
Madison, L. K. grocer, do.
Mosher,George, blacksmith, do.
Munger, Edwin, grocer, River Street.
Medbery, Joseph Jr. gunsmith, do.
Marsh, Josiah, do.
Morse, Hiram, carpenter, do.
Morse, Albert, tinner, Canal Street.
Moore, James Jr. boatman, Main Street.
Moses, Schuyler, carpenter, Chesnut Street.
Mills, David, labourer, do.
Markham, Henry, labourer, Court Street
Messenger, Rufus M, carpenter, Washington-square.
Meers, Joseph, labourer, do.
Meers, James, do. do.
Marsh, Isaac, blacksmith, do.
Maynard, Ransom, carpenter, Stone Street.

M.— Fifth Ward.

Moulson, Samuel, butcher, Main Street.
Morris, Robert O. do.
Morris, Thomas, chair-maker, do.
Moore, Charles, butcher, Canal Street.
Milton, William, blacksmith, do.
Mahon, David, labourer, Dublin.
Moore, Andrew, do. do.
M’Cairn, Daniel, teamster, do.
M’Donnelly, Patrick, miller, do.
Melvy, Hugh, labourer, do.
Maffit, John, do. do.
M’Gregor, Andrew, do. do.
Malone, Thomas, do. do. .
Miller, Timothy, grocer, Market Street.
Melvin, Arad, miller, do.
Martin, Robert, printer, do.
M’Corrington, Mrs. Mechanick Street.
Merrell, Linus, shoemaker, Mortimer Street.
Mershon, Elias J. carpenter, Clinton Street.
Miller, Rev. Orin, Franklin Street.
Moore, John, carpenter, do.
Meisler, Lucas, wheelwright, North Street.
Miles, John, butcher, do.
M’Kibbon, James, mason, Mortimer Street.

N.— First Ward.

Norton, Zadock, school teacher, Buffalo Street.
Newcomb, G. W. grocer, Carroll Street.
Nelson, Mrs. do.
Noe, Henry, labourer, E. of do.

N.— Second Ward.

Needham, Phinehas S. cooper, W. of Frank Street.

N.— Third Ward.

Norton, Heman, forwarder, Spring Street.
Noyes, Thomas, tavern-keeper, Exchange Street.

N.— Fourth Ward.

Neafus, William, miller, River Street
Neal, James, carpenter, Chesnut Street.
Neal, J. W. D. do. Court Street.

N.— Fifth Ward.

Newton, Aaron, constable, Main Street.

O.— First Ward.

Osborn, Stephen, labourer, Buffalo Street.
Olmsted, Coleman, Carroll Street.

O.— Third Ward.

Oughton, Thomas, shoemaker, Caledonia & Cornhill.
O’Neil, Barney, mason, do.

O.— Fourth Ward.

Owen, Ebenezer, labourer, River Street.
O’Neal, William, grocer, do.

P.— First Ward.

Pebbles, Lyman, tailor, Hart Street.
Parker, Robert, do. do.
Perkins, Mrs., boarding-house, Hughes Street.
Perkins, Charles, attorney, do.
Penney, Rev. Joseph, Washington Street.
Platt, Ezra, stage owner, Exchange Street.
Proctor, Mrs. boarding-house, Buffalo Street.

P.— Second Ward.

Patterson, Hibbard, carpenter, Jones Street.
Palmer, William, do. do.
Pease, William, clerk, Buffalo Street.
Place, Uriah, carpenter, Jones Street.
Palmer, Oliver, clerk, Court Street.
Pierce, Peny, carpenter, State Street.
Patterson, Theron, mason, Jay Street.
Perry, Worden F. State Street.
Plumbly, Alexander, shoemaker, do.
Parsons, Ezra M. tinner, do.
Pitkin, William, druggist, Milk Street.
Pound, Jacob, boarding-house, State Street.
Packard, Sylvester H. chairmaker, Ann Street.

P.— Third Ward.

Putnam, Peter, cooper, Washington Street.
Peck, Everard, bookseller, Fitzhugh Street.
Perkins, Joseph, currier, Caledonia & Comhill.
Peck, Asahel, wheelwright, do.
Pomeroy, Enos, attorney, Troup Street.
Pierce, Lemuel, cooper, , do.
Parker, Aaron, do. do.
Phillips, Samuel, do. Csdedonia & Comhill.
Piersons, Ira, labourer, do.
Pierce, Samuel, teamster, do.
Parker, Thomas, merchant, High Street.
Potter, Ira, sawyer, . Exchange Street.
Pringle, John, chandler, do.
Packard, Jonathan, goldsmith, do.
Plumb, Abraham, merchant, Fitzhugh Street.

P.— Fourth Ward.

Pierce, Jeremiah L. bookseller, Clinton Street.
Perry, Sylvanus, millwright, do.
Parker, Ralph, River Street.
Polley, John, grocer, do.
Padden, Alanson, shoemaker, do.
Patrick, John, carpenter, do.
Perkins, Augustus, do. Canal Street.
Perry, Warren, blacksmith, do.
Pierpont, H. B. tailor, Main Street.
Petrus, John, chandler, Court Street.
Porter, Micah, potter, Washington-square.
Parker, Edward, Stone Street.
Phillips, Doctor, teamster, Chesnut Street.
Petherick, Richard P. painter, River Street.
Pope, Seth, saddler, Stone Street.

P.— Fifth Ward.

Post, Elias, cabinet-maker, Main Street.
Pitcher, William, labourer, Canal Street.
Patterson, William, mill-wright, Market Street.
Pettit, Arnold, labourer, do.
Parker, Richard, shoemaker, Mechanick Street.
Parker, Thomas, blacksmith, do.
Parker, EleaiKer, labourer, do.
Perkins, Robert, labourer, Mechanick Street.
Parker, Mrs. do.
Palmer, Wiliiam B. grocer, Mortimer Street.
Pratt, Bama, carpenter, Clinton Street.
Piper, Mrs. do.
Powell, Dennis, carpenter, Green Street.
Pratt, Asa, labourer, Franklin Street.
Patterson, Robert W. carpenter, North Street.

R.— First Ward.

Richardson A. T. carpenter, Buffalo Street.
Raughan, Michael, labourer, do.
Reed, Joho, grocer, do.
Reynolds, Abelard, post-master, do.
Rynhart, John, carpenter, do.
Reeves, Israel M. painter, Carroll Street.
Robinson, Matthew, labourer, Hart Street.
Raymond, Harvey, shoemaker, CarroH Street.
Rigney, Edward, labourer, E. of Carroll Street.
Robinson, John, hair-cutter, Hughes Street.

R.— Second Ward.

Ross, Mrs. W. of Frank Street.
Rose, John, teamster, Buffalo Street.
Reed, Esek, carpenter, do.
Reed, Vincent, manufacturer, State Street.
Rathbun, William, clothier, do.
Richardson, R. miller, Mill Street.
Rodney, Robert, labourer, do.
Rush, Mrs. Ann Street.
Raymond, Mrs. W. of Frank Street.

R.— Third Ward.

Rochester, Nathaniel, Washington Street.
Rochester, William B. Fitzhugh Street.
Richmond, William, boatman, do.
Ranney, George, labourer, Caledonia & Cornhill.
Rines, John, do. do.
Ramsdell, Mrs. Exchange Street.
Rochester, Thomas H. merchant miller, Sophia Street.
Ransom, Elijah, labourer, Washington Street.
Ruckey, Daniel, do. Buffalo Street.
Rigney, Mrs. Troup Street.
Rust, Asahel, teamster, Excbange Street.

R.— Fourth Ward.

Russell, William G. grocer, Jackson Street.
Raymond, Harvey, shoemaker, Clinton Street.
Roberts, Ebenezer, labourer, River Street.
Richardson, J. D. do. Canal Street.
Ross, John, musician, do.
Reading, Pierson A. merchant, Main Street.
Roberts, John, carpenter, Chesnut Street.
Reynolds, Daniel, peddler,. Washington-square.
Robinson, John, turner, do.
Randall, Samuel T. carpenter, do.

R.— Fifth Ward.

Riggs, Christoph, D. boatman, Canal Street.
Ryan, Williaoa, labourer, Dublin.
Ryan, Michael, do. Market Street.
Rice, Lewis, mason, do.
Remington, Sylvester, clothier, Mechanick Street.
Rodgers, Rensselaer, boatman, Mortimer Street.
Root, John, teamster, North Street.
Reed, Burrell, barber, Mechanick Street.

S.— First Ward.

Sims Nancy, Buffalo Street.
Stockwell, Leonard, grocer, do.
Sabins, Isaac, millwright, do.
Smith, Philip, labourer, do.
Skerrett, Jacob, farrier, do.
Smith, A. G. physician, do.
Smith, Phelps, carpenter, do.
Stanton, William P. goldsmith, do.
Sheldon, Thomas, tanner, do.
Saunders, Samuel, labourer, do.
Scott, Andrew, do. do.
Sill, Mrs. Fitzhugh Street.
Stutson, Caleb, Carroll Street.
Saphney, Joseph, teamster, do.
Smith, Preston, merchant, do.
Selleg, Andrew, confectioner, do.
Spalding, Mrs. O. Mumford Street.
Saunders, William, labourer, E. of Carroll Street.
Shelden, Josiah, merchant, Hughes Street.
Stone, Joseph; carpenter, Hughes Street.
Scrantom, Henry, merchant, do.
Sibley, Derick, auctioneer, do.
Smith, Silas, do.
Sibley, Asa, Hart Street.
Sansay, John, teamster, do.
St. John, James, sawyer, do.
Schermerhorn, A. M. cashier, R. Bank, Buffalo Street.
Stanley, Abraham, shoemaker, Hughes Street.

S.— Second Ward.

Smith, Burage, grocer, Buffalo Street.
Stoddard, Rufus, carpenter, do.
Smith, John, do. do.
Symonds, Benjamin, weaver, Frank Street.
Stevenson, John, boatman, do.
Saunders, John, caulker, do.
Shipley, Page F. labourer, do.
Shepard, Daniel, mason, W. of do.
Springsted, Peter, grocer, Jay Street.
Spencer, John, labourer, State Street.
Southwick, Jesse, tavern-keeper, do.
Shelton, William, chandler, do.
Stevens, Samuel C. iron-founder, do.
Sooy, Lake, do.
Scrantom, Hamlet, do.
Strawn, Jacob, mason, do.
Stewart, Warren, labourer, Mill Street.
Sharp, William, manufacturer, do.
Staats, Isaac A. labourer, do.
Silsby, Samuel, blacksmith, do.
Smith, Henry, do. State Street.
Swan, James, Jr. merchant, do.
Sazton, Seth, do. do.
Saunders, David, sawyer, W. of Frank Street.
Sedgwick, Abraham W. accountant, State Street.

S.— Third Ward.

Samson, Jerry, labourer, Washington Street.
Shaw, John, tanner, do.
Sexton, Patrick, carpenter, Fitzhugh Street.
Sibley, Levi W. printer, do.
Smith, Erasmus D. merchant, Fitzhugh Street.
Smith, Gilbert T. grocer, do.
Smith, Ira, sawyer, Troup Street.
Smith, Mrs. do.
Steel, Jabez, mason, do.
Sales, Moses, teamster, Caledonia and Cornhill.
Spence, William, mason, do.
Stevenson, James, labourer, do.
Smith, John, butcher, do.
Stoddard, James, teamster, High Street.
Shaw, William, do. Excliange Street.
Sawyer, Mrs. do.
Stevens, John C. baker, do.
Swift, John, carpenter, Sophia Street.
Shelmire, George S. miller, do.
Scovill, William, mason, Exchange Street.

S.— Fourth Ward.

Smith, Justin, grocer, South Street.
Scofield, Salmon, goldsmith, Clinton Street.
Symonds, Stephen, village constable, River Street.
Samson, Ashley, attorney, do.
Sherwood, John, wheelwright, do.
Sanford, Mrs. Canal Street.
Seaman, Isaac, carpenter, Main Street.
Stanton, Clark W. do. Court Street.
Snidiker, Isaac, labourer, Stone Street.
Sprague, John A. painter, Clinton Street.
Seymour, James, sheriff, Main Street.

S.— Fiffh Ward.

Southern, William, labourer, Clinton Street.
Stone, Enos, Main Street.
Smith, William, blacksmith, do.
Smith, Samuel, grocer, do.
Starr, Frederick, cabinet-maker, do.
Smith, J. W. physician, do.
Smith, E. F. merchant, do.
Shane, Arthur W. shoemaker, Canal Street.
Stebbins, William, coachmaker, do.
Story, Richard, tailor, Dublin.
Sheridan, John, miller, do.
Sheridan, Thomas, do. do.
Skidmore, Samuel, tailor, Market Street.
Strong, John W. merchant, do.
Stebbins, Jared N. do. do.
Saunders, John, labourer, Mechanick Street.
Strong, Ezra, physician, do.
Smith, Joseph, do. do.
Skinner, Charles, butcher, Clinton Street.
Stager, Henry W. blacksmith, do.
Steward, Austin, grocer, Main Street.

T.— First Ward.

Tilrea, Joseph, labourer, Hughes Street.
Thorn, Isaac, shoemaker, Buffalo Street.
Trumbull, David M. do. E. of Carroll Street.
Taylor, Elisha, tailor, Buffalo Street.

T.— Second Ward.

Taylor, Harmen, baker, Buffalo Street.
Tibbals, John, carpenter, do.
Thayer, Lawson, blacksmith, Frankfort-square.
Thornton, John P. school teacher, State Street.
Tracy, Bela, blacksmith, do.
Tewksbury, Moses, cooper, Harford Street.
Thomas, Rowland, carpenter, State Street.
Turner, Elisha, do. , do.

T.— Third Ward.

Tibbets, James, teamster, Washington Street.
Taft, —, labourer, Fitzhugh Street.
Thorn, Jacob, butcher, Caledonia & Cornhill.
Thompson, John, labourer, do.
Turner, Reuben, carpenter, High Street.
Thompson, Daniel, barber, Ford Street.
Thorn, John, carpenter, Exchange Street.
Tillotson, Eleazer, blacksmith, Sophia Street.
Thompson, John H. looking-glass maker, Fitzhugh Street.

T.— Fourth Ward.

Tuttle, Abijah, carpenter, Chnton Street.
Thompson, Joseph, tailor, River Street.
Thompson Reuben, shoemaker, do.
Tousey, L. druggist, Main Street.
Tinker, Daniel, carpenter, do.
Tunison, Dennis, hatter, Chesnut Street.
Thomas, George, labourer, Court Street.
Thompson, Chester, mason, Chesnut Street.
Thomas, Lovell H. boatman, Elm Street.
Tucker, Caleb, currier, Chesnut Street.
Tanner, William, carpenter, do.

T.— Fifth Ward.

Tombs, J. B. shoemaker, Main Street.
Thompson, Nelson, constable, Canal Street.
Tower, Isaac, carpenter, Mechanick Street.
Topliff, Morris, cooper, do.
Thompson, William, do. Clinton Street.
Thompson, Samuel, labourer, Canal Street.

U.— Fourth Ward.

Utley, Samuel, labourer, Chesnut Street.

V.— First Ward.

Vance, William, labourer, Hart Street.
Vanderpool, William, shoemaker, Hughes Street.
Vosburgh, Henry, grocer, Buffalo Street.
Veazie, John, labourer, do.
Van Slyck, C. A. Carroll Street.

V.— Fourth Ward.

Van Schuyver, Joseph, cooper, Washington-square.
Van Allen, John, grocer, Main Street.

V.— Fifth Ward.

Van Schuyver, Samuel, cooper, Main Street.
Van Ness, George, wheelwright, Clinton Street.
Van Orden, John, labourer, Market Street.

W.— First Ward.

Williams, Otis, grocer. Exchange Street.
Wheeler, Henry H. do. Buffalo Street.
Wilson, Martin, do. do.
Williams, Sally, do.
Ward, Charles R, mason, do.
Whittlesey, F. attorney, do.
Wheeler, Oliver, carpenter, do.
Watts, John, saddler, Carroll Street.
Ward, O. S. grocer, Buffalo Street.
Wilson, Robert, carpenter, E. of Carroll Street.
Works, Samuel, tanner, do.
Wilcox, Lemuel, boatman, Buffalo Street.
Weed, Thorlow, printer, Hughes Street.
Wallace, M. T. clerk, do.
Wheeler, R. S. teamster, do.
Weston, Asa, tanner, Hart Street.
Walker, Edward, labourer, do.
Wall, Thomas, shoemaker, do.
White, Roswell, carpenter, Buffalo Street.
White, Roswell O, comb-maker, do.
Wilcox, Aaron, blacksmith, Franklin Street.
Whalen, Lewis, labourer, do.
Williams, Samuel, shoemaker, Hart Street.
Wilcox, John T. pail-maker, do.

W.— Second Ward.

Worden, Truman B. carpenter, W. of Frank Street.
Whalen, John, labourer, do.
Whiteside, George, do. do.
White, Michael, carpenter, do.
Willet, Samuel, mason, do.
Wood, Benjamin, do. do.
Wood, Ira, carpenter, Frank Street.
Worthington, Justin L. carpenter, Buffalo Street.
Whitney, Warham, distiller, State Street.
Welch, Anson, wheelwright, . do.
Woodward, Thomas, plough-maker, do.
Wooster, Leonard, whitesmith, do.
Wells, N. teamster, Mill Street.
Wynn, Peter, labourer, do.
Wilson, James, mason, do.
Warren, Daniel, do. Ann Street.

W.— Third Ward.

West, Ira, Washington Street.
Watts, Richard, labourer, do.
Wood, Samson, do. do.
Wood, Morris, barber, do.
White, Walter, merchant, Fitzhugh Street.
Watts, Ebenezer, do. do.
Wilder, Thomas, baker, Spring Street.
Walker, James S. carpenter, Troup Street.
Williams, Joseph, mason, do.
Wire, William, labourer, Galedonia & Cornhill.
Ward, William, mason, do.
Worden, Daniel, carpenter, do.
Worden, John, labourer, do.
Walker, George, coppersmith, High Street.
Wright, Daniel, labourer, Ford Street.
Wilder, Oscua, land agent and surveyor, Buffalo Street.
Wood, Joseph, mason, Exchange Street.
Winner, Lydia, do.
Wheeler, Timothy, teamster, Sophia Street.
Wheaton, Robert Jr. carpenter, do.
Wilkins, Robert, labourer, do.
Williams, Henry B. stone-cutter, Exchange Street.

W.— Fourth Ward.

Wright, Asa, labourer, Clinton Street.
Wheeler, Mrs. do.
Wallace, James, carpenter, River Street.
Whitmore, Mrs. do.
Williams, Daniel R, carpenter, Canal Street.
Williams, John C. do. do.
Whitney, John, stone-cutter, do.
Williams, John, carpenter, Main Street.
Wilkins, William, wheelwright, Washington-square.
Wood, William A. stone-cutter, Stone-at.
Williams, John I. merchant, Washington-square.

W.— Fifth Ward.

Williams, Charles, labourer, Main Street.
Wells, Nathaniel, boatman, Canal Street.
Whalen, John M. tanner, do.
Ward, Dr. Levi, Jr. Market Street.
Waterman, Daniel, labourer, Mechanick Street.
Wells, Roswell, tinner, do.
Whitney, —, blacksmith, do.
Wilcox, S. labourer, do.
Wright, William, physician, Mortimer Street.
Ward, William H. merchant, do.
West, Davis C, painter, do.
Wells, Asahel, carpenter, Franklin Street.
Wells, Andrew S. tanner, do.
Wing, Horace, last-maker, do.
Wynan, Peter, labourer, do.
Wakeles, Abner, shoemaker, Market Street.

Y.— Fifth Ward.

Young, Thomas, labourer, Main Street.

Z.— Fourth Ward.

Zeigler, Sebastian, labourer, Washington-square.

Z.— Fifth Ward.

Zimmerman, John, labourer, Mechanick Street.

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