Adams New York Biographies – Part 10

The following 10 biographical sketches were extracted from the Geographical gazetteer of Jefferson county, N.Y., 1685-1890.

John Williams

John Williams, son of Joseph and Margaret (Saunders) Williams, born in Verona, Oneida County, in 1827, was reared upon a farm and learned the carpenters’ trade. He married, first, Wealthy Clark, by whom he had two children — Emma (Mrs. W. R. Agans) and Jay, of Watertown. Mrs. Williams died in 1859, and for his second wife he married Mary E., daughter of S. B. and Betsey (Lanphire) Chapman, in 1860, who has borne him children as follows: Samuel C., born in 1861, who was drowned May 30, 1881; Wealthy E. (Mrs. A. Overton), of Henderson; Susie A.; Jessie L.; Chester, born in 1872; and Alice, born in 1875. Mr. Williams located in Adams in 1879, and is a farmer.

Simeon Heath

Simeon Heath, who was born in Somers, Conn., in 1763, married Elizabeth Harrington in 1782. Of their 10 children, Morrison was born in Salem, N. Y., in 1789. He married Sally Smith, in 1811, and their children were Elias, Louisa, Lucy, and Levi. Elias was born in 1811 and died in 1887. He married Ann, daughter of Charles and Amy (Sheldon) Green, in 1837, and their children were Charles M. and Andrew S., of Adams. Charles M. was born September 17, 1838, and was educated in the schools of his native town. He married Gertrude E., daughter of Luman and Elizabeth (Pierce) Arms, February 2, 1865, by whom he has two daughters, Lucy M. and Lena J. August 21, 1862, Mr. Heath enlisted in Co. H, 10th N. Y. H. A. He is now a dealer in musical instruments.

David S. Snell

David S. Snell, son of Frederick, was born in Manheim, Herkimer County, in 1812, and was reared upon a farm. He married Mary Ann, daughter of John and Barbara Eggabroad, in 1832, by whom he had children as follows: Sylvester, of Watertown; John A. D., of Adams; Julia A. (Mrs. A. M. Gillett), of Watertown; Barbara M. (Mrs. Stephen Shaw), of Adams Center; Mary C. (Mrs. Ira Fish), of Watertown; Elvira (Mrs. Joshua Snell), of Little Falls, N. Y.; Ellen (Mrs. Harrison Fuller), of Adams; David M., of Watertown; Emma A., who died in 1863, aged 10 years; and Clara M. (Mrs. Seward Holden), of Watertown. John A. D. Snell was born in 1835. He married Mary Dorotha, daughter of William and Martha (Keep) Fuller, in 1858, who bore him a son and three daughters, of whom Diana Annette died in 1878, aged 15 years; Martha Keep (Mrs. Rolla B. Heath) resides in Adams Center; and Ella Fuller died in infancy. J. A. D. Snell came to Jefferson County when two years of age and has since resided here. William D. Snell, born in 1860, married Julia, daughter of George and Eliza (Peck) Hawes, of Adams Center, in 1877, and their children are Nettie May, John H., Helen Gracie, Mattie K., Willie D., and Bertha Eliza. Mr. Snell resides in Adams Center.

Edward D. Spicer

Edward D. Spicer, son of Joseph and Content (Potter) Spicer, was born in Hopkinton, R. I., in 1828. His mother was a daughter of George and Mary (Stillman) Potter. Mr. Spicer was reared upon a farm, and was educated in De Ruyter, N. Y. He married, first, Eliza W., daughter of George and Sophia (Stillman) Wells, in 1853, who bore him three sons and three daughters, viz.: Ella M. (Mrs. George F. Conant), of Camden, N. Y.; William d., who died in 1879, aged 23 years; Charles E., born in 1861, who resides in Adams; Emma and Emeline (twins), who died in infancy; and George T., born in 1868. His wife died in 1878, and for his second wife Mr. Spicer married Harriet, daughter of Luman and Esther (Free) Nichols, and widow of Jacob Bellinger, in 1879, by whom he has a son, Ralph Harold, born in 1886. Mrs. Spicer had a daughter, Nettie, by her first husband. Mr. Spicer is a farmer and gardener.

Newton M. Parker

Newton M. Parker, born in 1847, was reared upon a farm, and taught school several terms. He married Sarah E., daughter of Nathan R. and Percy (Fuller) Talcott, by whom he has two sons, viz.: Giles F., born March 20, 1878, and George F., born January 16, 1887. Mr. Parker is a farmer and occupies the homestead in this town.

Stephen Shaw

Stephen Shaw was born in Canada in 1833, and was reared upon a farm. He removed to Watertown and was employed by N. M. Woodruff, and afterwards became a farmer. He married Barbara M., daughter of David and Mary (Eggabroad) Snell, in 1857, by whom he had three sons, viz.: George G., who died at the age of three years; David S., born in 1861; and Fred S., born in 1866. Mr. Shaw died in 1881.

Clarendon Phillips

Clarendon Phillips, son of Silas and Lucretia (Scott) Phillips, was born in Massachusetts in 1797, and about 1805 removed with his parents to the town of Rutland, in this county, where he was reared upon a farm. He married Barbara A., daughter of Peter Wilcox, by whom he had three sons and four daughters, viz.: Lucretia, Hiram, Elizabeth, David, Nelson, Katie, and Sarah. Nelson Phillips of this town was born in Wilna in 1843, and was reared upon a farm in Le Ray. He married Phebe, daughter of Benjamin F. and Polly (Sweet) Lee, widow of Homer Green. Clarendon Phillips died in 1856.

Rev. John F. Nelson

Rev. John F. Nelson, son of Benjamin F. and Emily (Clark) Nelson, was born in Marshall County, Virginia, in 1850, and spent his early life upon a farm. His education was commenced in the common schools, and in 1883 he graduated from Dennison University of Ohio, and the same year became pastor of the Baptist Church at Adams Center, being ordained July 26. In 1875 he married Carrie A., daughter of Rev. Jordan and Mary S. (Morris) Hall, of West Virginia, by whom he had two sons and one daughter, viz.: Herbert H., born in 1876; Alma Gertrude, born in 1879; and Howard O., born in 1883.

Giles A. Hall

Giles A. Hall, son of Calvin and Cynthia S. (Whitney) Hall, was born in Belleville, in the town of Ellisburgh, in 1842. At the age of 20 years he enlisted in Co. L, 10th N. Y. H. A., and served to the close of the war. He married Maria H., daughter of William C. and Caroline (Morgan) Woodhouse, in 1863, and their children are Jennie A. (Mrs. Nelson D. Shaw), of Rome, N. Y., Lulu B., and Beula M. Mr. Hall is a painter and resides in Adams Center.

H. K. Eggleston

H. K. Eggleston, son of Hector and Isabell (Lee) Eggleston, was born in Henderson. He married Nettie R., daughter of Oren and Maria (Dewey) Read, in 1874, and they have a son, Cadwell R., born February 16, 1877. Mr. Eggleston is a carpenter and farmer, and resides in Adams Center.

Source: Child, Hamilton. Geographical gazetteer of Jefferson county, N.Y., 1685-1890, part one, p. 242-244.  Syracuse, N.Y.: The Syracuse journal company, printers and binders. 1890.

1 thought on “Adams New York Biographies – Part 10”

  1. I read in a June 2005 monthly planner that Ellano Harrington of Adams Center patented the leather bicycle chain in 1896. I would love to find any documents that substantiate that if you can help.

    Thank you


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