Henry S. White was born in the town of Antwerp, Jefferson County, May 16, 1812. His parents, like the majority of the early settlers of the county, were poor, and at an early age he was thrown upon his own resources; when sixteen years of age, he went to Pittsford, Vt., where he resided with a maternal uncle until he was twenty. He then was engaged by a merchant by the name of Addison Bush as clerk; he remained with Mr. Bush one year; and then went to Shoreham, Vt., and entered the employ of Birchard & Wright. After a short time he formed a co-partnership with an uncle and cousin, under the firm name of J. Simons & Co., they carried on business in general merchandise for about a year, when he was employed as superintendent of the glass-works at lake Densmore; this position he held until 1842, when he returned to Jefferson County, and in company with Joseph Butterfield purchased the glass-works, saw-mill, and water power at Redwood. He erected a flouring and custom mill. In 1852 the co-partnership was dissolved, Mr. Butterfield retiring; since that time he has been extensively engaged in the manufacture of lumber and flour, and in connection has carried on a general store; he has also dealt extensively in pine lands and farms. In all his business enterprises, Mr. White has been successful, and is now enjoying a well-earned competency. In 1836 he married Miss Louisa D. Haskell, daughter of Mark and Ruba Haskell, of Salisbury, Vermont, formerly of New Bedford, Massachusetts. Mrs. White was born, December 10, 1810, in Salisbury, and is still living. Mr. White has been largely identified with the interests of Redwood, has helped to construct and support the churches and schools, was instrumental in the construction of the Black River and Morristown R. R., and was its secretary and treasurer, and is still a director. 1)Durant, Samuel W; Peirce, H. B. (Henry B.) History of Jefferson County, New York. Philadelphia: L.H. Everts & co. 1878.

↑1 | Durant, Samuel W; Peirce, H. B. (Henry B.) History of Jefferson County, New York. Philadelphia: L.H. Everts & co. 1878. |