New York Genealogy

New York Genealogy is being developed as a genealogical and historical resource for your personal use. It contains information and records for New York ancestry, family history, and genealogy. Specifically, it provides sources for birth records, death records, marriage records, census records, tax records, court records, and military records. It also provides some historical details about different times and people in New York history.

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New York County Genealogy

Neighboring States

New York, by its geographic location, finds itself in two different groupings of states below, New England States, and Great Lakes States. The only neighboring state not found in either of those two lists is:

New England Genealogy

Great Lakes Genealogy

1875 Town of Horicon New York Census

This is an index for the 1875 state census as it specifically pertains to the town of Horicon in Warren County, New York. It contains the name of the individual in alphabetical order and the family # you will find them under in the census. Feel free to read, search, or download the pdf.
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1875 Town of Hague New York Census

This is an index for the 1875 state census as it specifically pertains to the town of Hague in Warren County, New York. It contains the name of the individual in alphabetical order and the family # you will find them under in the census. Feel free to read, search, or download the pdf.
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1875 Town of Caldwell New York Census

This is an index for the 1875 state census as it specifically pertains to the town of Caldwell in Warren County, New York. It contains the name of the individual in alphabetical order and the family # you will find them under in the census. Feel free to read, search, or download the pdf.
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1875 Town of Chester New York Census

This is an index for the 1875 state census as it specifically pertains to the town of Chester in Warren County, New York. It contains the name of the individual in alphabetical order and the family # you will find them under in the census. Feel free to read, search, or download the pdf.
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1875 Town of Bolton New York Census

This is an index for the 1875 state census as it specifically pertains to the town of Bolton in Warren County, New York. It contains the name of the individual in alphabetical order and the family # you will find them under in the census. Feel free to read, search, or download the pdf.
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History of Westchester County NY

Westchester County has the proud distinction of being one of the twelve original counties of the State of New York, under the English rule. It was erected by the act of 1683. The twelve counties were, Albany, Cornwall, Dukes, Dutchess, Kings, New York, Orange, Queens, Richmond, Suffolk, Ulster and Westchester. Two of these, Cornwall and Dukes counties, were subsequently attached to other States. Prior to the formation of counties, and under the Dutch rule, the only divisions were the cities and towns. In 1665, a district, or Sheriffalty, called Yorkshire, was erected. It comprised Long Island, Staten Island and a…

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