New York Genealogy

New York Genealogy is being developed as a genealogical and historical resource for your personal use. It contains information and records for New York ancestry, family history, and genealogy. Specifically, it provides sources for birth records, death records, marriage records, census records, tax records, court records, and military records. It also provides some historical details about different times and people in New York history.

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New York County Genealogy

Neighboring States

New York, by its geographic location, finds itself in two different groupings of states below, New England States, and Great Lakes States. The only neighboring state not found in either of those two lists is:

New England Genealogy

Great Lakes Genealogy

Buffalo New York City Directories 1828-1893

The following are 57 free digitized directories found online for the city of Buffalo, New York, covering the years of 1828-1893 (incomplete), containing an alphabetical list of the inhabitants and business firms, streets, town offices, societies, churches and other miscellaneous matter. Directories can provide information on an individual such as their employment and address during the year issued. They may also indicate whether they were renting or residing with somebody else at the time. The 1890 directories are especially important for establishing the location of families during the extent 1890 census.
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History of St. Paul’s Church, Antwerp, New York

Rev. Robert Horwood held the first Episcopal service in Antwerp, and administered the first baptism, to Annis Elizabeth, daughter of Alexander P. and Elizabeth S. Sterling, at Sterlingburgh, September 6, 1855. In August, 1858, Rev. J. Winslow commenced his labors in Carthage, Champion, and Sterlingville. In 1866 he organized a parish in Gouverneur, and held missionary services in Antwerp, where he presented a class for confirmation by Right Rev. Bishop Coxe, the first bishop to visit Antwerp. Mr. Winslow was succeeded by Rev. Frederick Hyde, then a young deacon. He remained six months. Rev. William A. Ely, deacon, succeeded him,…

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Cemeteries in Washington County New York

The following are known cemetery transcriptions and gravestone photos of Washington County New York. Because of the proximity of Washington County to some towns in Vermont, the transcriptions for those are included below as well. Albert Pierce Farm Cemetery, Easton Albert Pierce Farm Cemetery Allen Family Cemetery Allen Family Cemetery Allen Memorial Stone Allen Memorial Stone Alpheus Barber Farm Cemetery Alpheus Barber Farm Cemetery Andrew K. Richards Farm Cemetery Andrew K. Richards Farm Cemetery Argyle Cemeteries Prominent Argyle, Salem, and Hebron families: graves and graveyards of Washington County, New YorkViewable only from within an affiliated FHC center. Argyle Cemetery, Argyle…

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The First Stanford (Baptist) Church at Bangall, Dutchess Co., New York

The earliest records of this Church are dated from Great Nine Partners, Charlotte Precinct, N. Y. Its first members appear to have emigrated from Massachusetts, and were organized into a Church, Oct. 1, 1759, in Dutchess County, by covenanting together and appointing Ephraim Bullock and Corner Bullock to preach the gospel and administer the ordinances among them. At this meeting the members had the assistance of Elder Jabez Wood and Elder Robert Wheaton, who were elders of the First Baptist Church in the town of Swansea, Mass. For nearly twenty years harmony prevailed in the church, but in 1778 dissension…

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History of the First Congregational Church of Antwerp

The First Congregational Church of Antwerp was organized in July, 1819, by Rev. Isaac Clinton, then principal of the academy at Lowville. The event took place in Copeland Hall, upon the site of the present Proctor House. The original members were William Randall, Percival Hawley, Edward Foster, Elijah Hoyt, Hosea Hough, Mrs. Hawley, Mrs. Foster, Mrs. Frances Eaton, and Mrs. Polly Copeland. It was agreed beforehand to employ either a Presbyterian or a Congregational minister, as might be most convenient, and to allow him to choose the polity of the organization.
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